一种帮助农民自然恢复受污染土壤的人工智能工具已被宣布为2023年代码全球挑战大学的获胜者,为其背后的悉尼大学商学院学生赢得了5万美元(7.55万澳元)的奖金。 abhinavgovindan、aliciasutandar、jamesli和royneneneba赵开发了植物修复技术,该技术利用复杂的数据集,包括当地的土壤条件和天气模式,为世界各地的农民制定了量身定制的植物修复计划。 植物修复是指某些植物可以自然去除土壤污染物,如金属、杀虫剂和油类,为作物创造更多可耕地的过程。 悉尼大学商学院院长、教授雷萨·沙金特向该团队表示祝贺,该团队本周在迪拜举行的cop28新闻发布会上宣布获奖。 “这些极具创新精神的本科生是领导才能的典范。 萨金特教授说:“我毫不怀疑,他们将从这场全球性挑战中学到什么,并在世界上产生不成比例的积极影响。”。 该团队在12周内从发现问题到创建解决方案,包括使用ibmwatsonstudio和ibmenvironmentalintelligence套件在短短三周内对概念验证进行编码&尽管只有sutander女士有任何编码经验。 赵说:“这不是一夜之间发生的,但这表明,通过团队合作和激情,我们具备了解决现实问题的技能和知识。”。 “获得大学大奖并在cop28上获得认可是令人兴奋的,但我们真的希望phyto能真正发挥作用。 “sandra aldayit博士不是悉尼大学第一次在ibm代码征集中表现出色,自2020年以来,学生们在国际商业学科副主任sandra alday博士的指导下参加了比赛。 《商业伙伴》在2020年排名第二,诚实和普伦蒂是2021年前五名中的两名,悉尼大学也获得了2021年代码大学参与奖。 alday博士解释说,她对挑战充满热情,这是她致力于转型学习的一部分。 alday博士说:“大学经历应该改变你看待和理解世界的方式,以及你在其中的生活方式,并产生影响,而最具变革性的学习经历发生在课堂之外。”。 我们的学生很有天赋,有能力做大事。 作为教育工作者,我们有责任培养这些能力,给他们机会让世界变得更美好。 sandra alday博士“我总是告诉我的学生,他们不需要等到毕业,他们现在就可以开始有所作为了。 “获奖者还将获得悉尼大学3万美元的相应资助&在ibm网站上阅读更多关于所有获奖者的信息。 “获奖者还将获得悉尼大学3万美元的相应资助&在ibm网站上阅读更多关于所有获奖者的信息。
an ai-powered tool to help farmers naturally rehabilitate contaminated soil has been declared the 2023 call for code global challenge university winner - taking home a $us50,000 ($a75,500) prize for the university of sydney business school students behind it.abhinav govindan, alicia sutandar, james li and roy zhao developed phyto, which draws upon a complex dataset, including local soil conditions and weather patterns, to develop a tailored phytoremediation plan for farmers around the world.phytoremediation is the process by which certain plants can naturally remove soil contaminants, such as metals, pesticides and oils, creating more arable land for crops.university of sydney business school dean, professor leisa sargeant congratulated the team, whose award was announced at a press conference during cop28 in dubai this week.“these highly innovative undergraduate students exemplify leadership for good. i have no doubt they will take what they have learned through this global challenge, and make a disproportionate positive difference in the world,” professor sargent said.the team went from identifying the problem to creating the solution in 12 weeks, including coding the proof of concept in just three weeks using ibm watson studio and the ibm environmental intelligence suite – despite only ms sutander having any prior coding experience.“it didn’t happen overnight, but this shows through teamwork and passion, we have the skills and knowledge to tackle a real-world problem,” mr zhao said. “it’s exciting to win the university grand prize and be recognised at cop28, but we really hope phyto will actually be used to make a difference.”dr sandra aldayit’s not the first time the university of sydney has performed well in the ibm call for code, with students competing since 2020 under the guidance of dr sandra alday, deputy head of the discipline of international business. business buddy placed second overall in 2020, honestly and plenti were two of the top five in 2021, and the university of sydney also received the 2021 call for code university engagement award. dr alday explained that she is passionate about the challenge as part of her commitment to transformational learning. “the university experience should change the way you view and understand the world, and how you live in it and make a difference – and the most transformational learning experiences happen outside the classroom,” dr alday said. our students are so talented and capable of big things. it’s our responsibility as educators to develop those capabilities and give them opportunities to make the world a better place.dr sandra alday“i always tell my students they don’t need to wait until they graduate, they can start making a difference right now.” the win also comes with a corresponding us$30,000 grant for the university of sydney – read more about all the winners on the ibm website. .
本文来源: 学生的人工智能农具是世界上最大的技术挑战