人工智能研究项目有哪些共同点,包括为阿尔茨海默病患者量身定制治疗方法、研究鸟鸣以了解大脑功能与运动活动的关系以及从社交媒体中检测情绪?它们都依赖于使用强大的资源高效地传输和处理大量数据。 预计需要先进的计算基础设施来支持不断增长的研究社区,即人工智能。 人类基础设施咨询委员会于2023年春季召开,指导教务长办公室和信息技术办公室制定适当的it基础设施和其他类型的有用资源。 跨学科委员会由联合主席、负责学术事务的高级副教务长lanny liebeskind和临时企业首席信息官兼信息技术高级副教务长johnellis领导,已经批准了一项全面的计划,以提高科学计算能力,以适应与人工智能研究相关的数据密集型项目的涌入。 这包括实现一个新的高性能云计算集群,开发一个高速数据传输和校园研究网络,以及在emory数据中心探索本地高性能计算。 “我们当前的重点是支持那些处理大量数据并需要高性能计算能力的人的学术研究。 ellis说:“我们需要一个解决方案,为研究人员、教育工作者和学生提供一个用户友好、免费的访问点,让他们能够轻松扩展共享的高性能计算资源,并建立在emory现有的计算结构和合作伙伴关系的基础上。”。 云计算中新的高性能计算选项从不同的内部部署基础设施开发历史演变为emory云战略和合作伙伴关系的扩展,教育和研究(超)社区云集群(c3)的混合高性能计算平台于2023年秋季推出。 这个创新的基于云的集群提供了对emory aws中高性能计算资源的共享、集中管理的现成访问,这是一个经过验证的定制云环境,自2019年以来为大约1000名用户提供服务,与emory的安全、技术和金融基础设施相集成。 hyperc3提供了可扩展的通用中央处理单元(cpu)、图形处理单元(gpu)以及高内存节点和高级nvidia100和v100 gpu选择。 值得注意的是,hyperc3通过流行的slurm集群管理界面,复制了计算科学家在与计算环境交互时熟悉的用户体验,该界面具有内置的公平共享和成本控制护栏。 用户无需管理集群设备或学习云工程技能即可在hyperc3上运行数据处理。 “hyperc3为研究计算提供了一个符合hipaa标准、可扩展的共享基础设施,以促进emory成为一个研究密集型机构。 ellis说:“对于研究人员来说,它已经是一个熟悉的界面,云提供了访问最新gpu的灵活性,并根据实际使用需求调整集群的规模。”。 在发射之前,来自埃默里的几个研究小组参与了hyperc3的测试阶段。 总体而言,早期采用者对新的云集群有积极的反馈,并能够推进由于内部部署的基础设施限制而停滞的有影响力的研究。 埃默里医学院放射学和成像科学系副教授朱迪·吉乔亚是测试hyperc3的研究人员之一。 她的工作包括增强低质量医疗设备产生的喉镜图像。 人工智能模型是用21000张个人图像训练的。 在云解决方案出现之前,该模型需要几个本地gpu,但速度仍然非常慢。 “在试点之前,我们试图在本地服务器上用16gpu和48gbram扩展超分辨率训练;然而,训练仍然很慢。 使用hyperc3,我们能够成功地跨多种体系结构类型训练模型。 gichoya说:“这个项目是在资源有限的情况下为移动喉镜的边缘部署奠定基础,并为我们如何扩大放射学人工智能的工作提供了信息。”。 emory的团体已经开始为计算人工智能项目引入hyperc3,这些项目涵盖了从发育障碍、心血管疾病、癌症和宏基因组学到数字历史、社交媒体经济学、算法偏见和公平、对话人工智能等多种科学研究。 该路线图包括更快的数据传输连接、专用计算集群扩展、持续的用户培训和增强的用户界面,以使不太熟悉科学计算环境的学生和教师受益。 即将到来:高速数据高速公路和其他内部改进除了hyperc3,基础设施咨询委员会还就emory安全学术网络的扩展进行了咨询,该网络将通过非常快速的校内通信和emory校园之间的快速数据传输来支持emory的数据密集型研究工作,私有云和外部合作机构。 例如,将大量实验室仪器数据传输到emory数据中心的服务器或云存储区域将不再与emory的企业网络流量竞争。 这种基础设施被称为混合科学网络基础设施(hysci),经过试点阶段后,将于2024年投入使用,以支持人工智能研究。 在升级现场计算资源方面,咨询公司最近完成了对大学数据中心的评估,以确定扩大本地高性能计算能力的选项。 这些现场资源与基于云的hpc集群一起,将由整个校园的研究人员协同使用。 emory还部署了一个hpc服务团队,为师生提供这些新资源。 “emory通过基于云的资源、高速数据传输网络和本地计算能力向高性能计算的投资突显了人工智能的整体重要性。 埃默里使命的人性化倡议。 liebeskind说:“降低计算基础设施的障碍,并为研究人员提供所需的工具,将为人类服务,带来更具影响力的工作。”。 要了解更多关于emory计算基础设施的信息,请访问ai。 人性网站。 hyperc3现在可用于人工智能的教员。 要请求访问,请访问hyperc3网站。 ai。 人类基础设施咨询委员会ai基础设施规划由一个由多学科教师和it员工代表组成的委员会领导。 委员会联合主席lanny liebeskind john ellis委员会成员david cutler tony pan xiao hu yana bromberg zhaohui qin节食者jaeger monica crubezy jo guldi vaidy sunderam judy gichoya ramnath chellapa rakesh shiradkar yan sun joe sutherland tara bartelt(项目经理)kaye ann sadler(项目总监)。
what do ai research projects involving tailoring treatment for alzheimer’s patients, studying birdsong to understand how brain functions relate to motor activity and detecting emotions from social media feeds have in common? they all rely on vast amounts of data being efficiently transferred and processed with powerful resources.anticipating a need for advanced computing infrastructure to support a growing research community, the ai.humanity infrastructure advisory committee was convened in spring 2023 to guide the office of the provost and the office of information technology on appropriate it infrastructure and other types of useful resources.the interdisciplinary committee, led by co-chairs lanny liebeskind, senior vice provost for academic affairs, and john ellis, interim enterprise chief information officer and senior vice provost for information technology, has endorsed a comprehensive plan to increase scientific computing capabilities to accommodate the influx of data-intensive projects related to ai research. this includes implementing a novel high-performance cloud computing cluster, developing a high-speed data transfer and campus research network and exploring on-premises high-performance computing at the emory data center.“our immediate focus was to support the scholarship of those who work with large amounts of data and require high-performance computation power. we needed a solution that offered researchers, educators and students a user-friendly, no-cost access point to shared high-performance computing resources that was easily scalable and built on emory’s existing computing structure and partnerships,” said ellis.new high-performance computing options in the cloud as an evolution from a history of disparate on-premises infrastructure developments to an expansion of emory’s cloud strategy and partnerships, the hybrid high-performance computing platform for education and research (hyper) community cloud cluster (c3) was introduced in fall 2023.this innovative cloud-based cluster provides shared, centrally managed ready access to high-performance computing resources housed in aws at emory – a proven, customized cloud environment serving roughly 1,000 users since 2019, which integrates with emory’s security, technology and financial infrastructure. hyper c3 provides an expandable selection of general-purpose central processing units (cpus), graphics processing units (gpus) as well as high-memory nodes and advanced nvidia a100 and v100 gpus. notably, hyper c3 replicates the user experience that computational scientists are familiar with when interacting with compute environments, through the popular slurm cluster management interface, with built-in fair share and cost control guardrails. users do not need to administrate the cluster equipment or learn cloud engineering skills to run their data processing on hyper c3. “hyper c3 offers a hipaa-compliant, scalable, shared infrastructure for research computing to boost emory as a research-intensive institution. it’s already a familiar interface to researchers and the cloud provides the flexibility of accessing the latest gpus and right sizing the cluster based on true utilization needs," said ellis.ahead of its launch, several research groups from across emory participated in a test phase for hyper c3. overall, the early adopters had positive feedback about the new cloud cluster and were able to advance impactful research that had stalled due to the infrastructure limitations of on-premises .judy gichoya, associate professor in the department of radiology and imaging sciences at emory school of medicine, was one of the researchers who tested hyper c3. her work involved enhancing laryngoscopy images produced by low-quality medical equipment. the ai model was trained with 21,000 individual images. before the cloud solution, this model would have required several on-premises gpus and still been extremely slow. “before the pilot, we attempted to scale the super resolution training on our on-premises servers with 16 gpus and 48 gb of ram; however, the training continued to be slow. with hyper c3, we were able to train the models successfully across multiple architecture types. this project is serving as a foundation for edge deployment of mobile laryngoscopy in limited resource settings and has informed us on how we can scale our work in radiology ai,” said gichoya. groups across emory have already started onboarding hyper c3 for computational ai projects spanning a diversity of scientific inquiries, from developmental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and metagenomics to digital history, social media economics, algorithmic bias and fairness, conversational ai and more. the roadmap includes faster data transfer connections, special-purpose computing cluster extensions, ongoing user training and enhanced user interfaces to benefit students and faculty who are less familiar with scientific computing environments.coming soon: high-speed data highways and other on-premises improvements in addition to the hyper c3, the infrastructure advisory committee has also consulted on an extension of emory’s secure academic network that will support data intensive research efforts at emory through very fast intra-campus communications and fast data transfers between emorys campus, private cloud and external collaborating institutions. for example, the transfer of voluminous laboratory instrumentation data to a server in emory’s data center or to a cloud storage area will no longer compete with emory’s enterprise network traffic. this infrastructure, termed the hybrid scientific cyberinfrastructure (hysci), will be available in 2024 to support ai research, after a pilot phase. in terms of upgrades to on-site computing resources, consultants recently completed an assessment of the universitys data center to determine options for expanding on-premises high-performance compute (hpc) capacity. these on-site resources, in conjunction with cloud-based hpc clusters, would be used collaboratively by researchers across campus. emory is also deploying an hpc service team to support faculty and students with these new resources.“the investment emory is making toward high-performance computing through cloud-based resources, high-speed data transfer networks and on-premises computing capacity underscores the overall importance of the ai.humanity initiative to emory’s mission. lowering computing infrastructure barriers and supporting researchers with the tools they need will result in even more impactful work in the service to humanity,” said liebeskind.to learn more about computing infrastructure at emory, visit the ai.humanity website. hyper c3 is now available to faculty working with ai. to request access, visit the hyper c3 website.ai.humanity infrastructure advisory committeeai infrastructure planning is led by a committee with multi-disciplinary faculty and it staff representation. committee co-chairs lanny liebeskind john ellis committee members david cutler tony pan xiao hu yana bromberg zhaohui qin dieter jaeger monica crubezy jo guldi vaidy sunderam judy gichoya ramnath chellappa rakesh shiradkar yan sun joe sutherland tara bartelt(project manager) kaye-ann sadler(program director) .
本文来源: 埃默里提升计算基础设施,推动人工智能。人类倡议