在一系列旨在提高公共安全和效率的组织变革中,(从左至右)cheryl elliott将成为负责公共安全的副总裁,burt buchtinec将成为警察局长,diana carter将成为副总裁兼首席行政官。 埃默里大学警察局长谢丽尔·埃利奥特将从今年1月开始担任该校负责公共安全的副校长。 one。 副警长burtbuchtinec已被任命为埃默里的下一任警察局长,同时生效。 作为负责公共安全的副总裁,埃利奥特将监督埃默里警察局、关键事件准备和响应办公室(包括埃默里应急管理系统)、clery报告、威胁评估、物理安全和业务连续性。 “cheryl是一位知名且值得信赖的领导者,”该大学负责商业与管理的执行副校长chrisaugostini说。 “她35年来一直致力于埃默里的公共安全工作,我很高兴她同意为这一至关重要的领域提供更高级别的领导。 埃利奥特自2021年5月起担任埃默里的警察局长,2017年她从副局长的职位上退休后重新加入了该部门。 在她的整个职业生涯中,她的工作和专业精神得到了认可:1995年,埃默里年度警官;国际预防犯罪从业人员协会乔治·桑德兰终身成就奖,2004年;埃默里大学2005年度员工奖;埃默里大学社区多样性100强,2009年;和纪念2014年度校园生命支持人物。 elliott说:“我期待着进一步发展建立公共安全服务的职能和运营,这些服务是协作的,支持emory企业的使命和价值观。”。 布奇蒂内克在埃默里警察局工作了16年,拥有超过25年的警务经验,自2022年4月起担任副局长。 奥戈斯蒂尼说,作为副局长,他“证明了自己是一位深思熟虑、值得信赖的领导人”,赢得了埃默里社区内外的尊重。 今年秋天,布奇蒂内克被任命为乔治亚州校园执法行政人员协会主席。 该组织成立于1974年,自在埃默里举行第一次会议以来,已发展到代表60多个机构的90多名成员。 “我很高兴能领导埃默里警察局继续为埃默里服务。 布奇蒂内克说:“我坚信与我们所服务的社区合作,我的目标是在我们所做工作的基础上再接再厉,确保埃默里警察局仍然是一个值得信赖的资源。”。 elliott和buchtinec的晋升是埃默里商业和行政办公室一系列组织变革的一部分,旨在加强埃默里企业的公共安全,同时调整类似职能并精简报告结构,以提高效率和效力。 埃默里的第一任首席行政官拉尔索从1月开始。 1、dianacarter将担任副总裁兼首席行政官(cao)。 卡特于2013年加入埃默里大学,2023年2月被任命为埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健公司的副总裁兼首席审计和风险官。 她是一名拥有会计硕士学位的注册会计师,此前曾在财务部门任职,担任坎德尔神学学院首席商务官和欧洲经济研究院办公室主任。 奥戈斯蒂尼指出:“黛安娜是担任这一重要职位的理想领导者,因为她将能够将自己作为注册会计师的培训和经验与她对大学关键行政职能的深入了解相结合。”。 首席行政官角色的设立将从战略上调整和整合影响风险和运营的职能。 作为曹,卡特将在风险组合下领导内部审计、大学合规和企业风险管理的整合。 她还将监督业务和行政部门的数据和分析。 此外,作为下一任公共安全副总裁,她将与埃利奥特直接合作。 负责公共安全的副总裁将直接与cao合作,并将继续与emory总裁和evpba保持共同的汇报关系。 卡特说:“我很高兴有机会继续担任埃默里的新职务。”。 “与整个企业的同事建立强有力的合作伙伴关系至关重要,使我们能够通过这项工作有意义地支持emory的使命。 奥戈斯蒂尼指出,“这些组织变革的实施是为了加强协作、提高效率和战略重点,确保大学继续卓越运营。”。 我相信,这些变化将为我们的集体成功做出积极贡献。 ”。
in a series of organizational changes to enhance public safety and efficiency, (left to right) cheryl elliott will become vice president for public safety, burt buchtinec will become police chief, and diana carter will become vice president and chief administrative officer.emory police chief cheryl elliott will take on an expanded role as the university’s vice president for public safety, starting jan. 1. deputy chief burt buchtinec has been named emory’s next police chief, effective at the same time. as vice president for public safety, elliott will oversee the emory police department, the office of critical event preparedness and response (including emory ems), clery reporting, threat assessment, physical security and business continuity. “cheryl is a known and trusted leader,” says chris augostini, the university’s executive vice president for business and administration (evpba). “she has spent 35 years dedicated to public safety at emory, and i am thrilled that she has agreed to provide elevated leadership for this critically important area.” elliott has served as emory’s police chief since may 2021, when she rejoined the department after retiring from her role as deputy chief in 2017. she has been recognized for her work and professionalism throughout her career: emory police officer of the year, 1995; the international society for crime prevention practitioners’ george sunderland lifetime achievement award, 2004; emory university employee of the year, 2005; emory university community 100 for diversity, 2009; and emory campus life support person of the year, 2014.“i look forward to further developing functions and operations that establish public safety services that are collaborative and supportive of the mission and values of the emory enterprise,” says elliott. buchtinec, a 16-year veteran of the emory police department with over 25 years of total policing experience, has served as deputy chief since april 2022. as deputy chief, he has “proven himself to be a thoughtful and trusted leader,” earning respect both within and beyond the emory community, augostini says.this fall, buchtinec was named president for the georgia association of campus law enforcement administrators. founded in 1974, since its first meeting at emory, the organization has grown to more than 90 members representing more than 60 institutions.“i am thrilled to continue my service to emory by leading the emory police department. i believe deeply in partnering with the community we serve and it is my goal to build upon the work we are doing to ensure that the emory police department remains a trusted resource,” says buchtinec. the promotions of elliott and buchtinec are part of a series of organizational changes within emory’s office of business and administration intended to enhance public safety for the emory enterprise while aligning similar functions and streamlining the reporting structure to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. emory’s first chief administrative officeralso starting jan. 1, diana carter will serve as vice president and chief administrative officer (cao). carter, who joined emory in 2013, was named vice president and chief audit and risk officer for emory university and emory healthcare in february 2023. a certified public accountant with a masters degree in accounting, she has also previously served in the finance division, as chief business officer for candler school of theology and as chief of staff for the office of the evpba.“diana is the ideal leader for this important role, as she will be able to combine her training and experience as a cpa with her deep knowledge of the key administrative functions of the university,” augostini notes. the creation of the chief administrative officer role will strategically align and integrate functions impacting risk and operations. as cao, carter will lead the integration of internal audit, university compliance and enterprise risk management under the risk portfolio. she will also oversee data and analytics for the business and administration division.additionally, she will work in direct partnership with elliott as the next vice president for public safety. the vice president for public safety will work directly with the cao and will continue to have a shared reporting line to emory’s president and to the evpba.“i am excited by the opportunity to continue serving emory in this new role,” carter says. “establishing strong partnerships with colleagues across the enterprise will be critical, enabling us to meaningfully support emory’s mission through this work.” notes augostini, “these organizational changes are being implemented to enhance collaboration, efficiency and strategic focus, ensuring that the university continues to operate with excellence. i am confident that these changes will contribute positively to our collective success.”.
本文来源: 埃默里警察局长Cheryl Elliott任命为公共安全副总裁;Burt Buchtinec将出任下一任局长