emorys新中心是同类中心中第一个专注于确保先进医疗技术惠及最需要的人群的中心。 emory领导人(从左至右):emory教务长ravi v。 bellamkonda,研究部高级副总裁deborah bruner和wilbur lam在adjust中心的启动仪式上。 为了确保先进的医疗技术能够惠及最需要的人群,埃默里的诊断促进公正社会中心(adjust)将于今年启动,作为国家卫生研究所radx计划的一部分。 过去几年已经证明,新技术正在稳步地允许疾病诊断和监测从临床环境扩散到社区、企业、学校和家庭。 这些类型的护理点技术提供了许多好处,但它们也带来了一系列全新的问题——不仅是技术和临床问题,还有后勤、监管、商业、社会和伦理问题。 通常情况下,最需要这些新技术的患者获得的机会最少。 emory的新中心是第一个为解决这些问题而设计的此类中心。 通过双管齐下的方法来加速诊断发展,同时确保健康公平和公正,调整中心将既是一个专注于通过研究和宣传促进未来疾病诊断的智库,也是一个加速诊断发展的技术铸造厂。 亚特兰大儿童保健中心的儿科血液学家和肿瘤学家wilbur lam医学博士说:“鉴于我们在诊断方面的丰富经验、专业知识和生态系统,我们很有可能成为全国唯一一个致力于在现代医学时代推动整个诊断领域向前发展的中心。”,埃默里大学和乔治亚理工学院的儿科和生物医学工程教授。 “在我们帮助开发和转化新的诊断技术的同时,我们的中心还将同时解决可访问性、可用性和可负担性的问题,以确保这些最先进的测试能够为最需要它们的人群服务。 “调整中心由美国国立卫生研究院资助的护理点技术中心acmepoct支持,该中心是美国六个中心之一。 s。 被国家卫生研究所选为国家卫生研究院护理点技术研究网络的一部分。 acmepoct在新冠肺炎大流行期间发挥了关键作用,作为快速评估新冠肺炎检测并帮助其广泛使用的国家检测验证中心。 adjust中心将寻求在新冠肺炎大流行期间积累的专业知识的基础上,运用经验教训和行之有效的策略,确保每个人都能公平地获得先进技术。 已经在进行的项目包括评估消费者健康可穿戴技术的潜在不良后果,以及检查定点hpv诊断的可用性。 emory负责研究的高级副总裁deborah bruner博士说:“调整中心是一项重要的新举措,它建立在emory的优势之上,影响了我们的许多机构目标。 它具有高度的创新性、创业性、协作性,并专注于健康公平&它包含了让我们记忆深刻的各种各样的东西。 我非常高兴看到该中心能为我们的社区和世界取得什么成就。 ”。
emorys new center is the first of its kind to focus on ensuring advanced medical technologies are reaching the populations who need them most. emory leaders (left to right): emory provost ravi v. bellamkonda, senior vice president for research deborah bruner, and wilbur lam at the launch of the adjust center.striving to ensure advanced medical technologies are reaching the populations who need them most, emory’s center for the advancement of diagnostics for a just society (adjust) is launching this year as part of nih’s radx program.the last several years have demonstrated that new technologies are steadily allowing for the diffusion of disease diagnosis and monitoring out of clinical environments and into communities, businesses, schools, and homes. these types of point-of-care technologies offer numerous benefits, but they also introduce a whole new set of issues – not only technological and clinical, but also logistical, regulatory, commercial, social, and ethical. often times, the patients who need these new technologies the most have the least access.emory’s new center is the first-of-its-kind designed to address these issues. utilizing a two-pronged approach to accelerate diagnostic development while ensuring health equity and justice, the adjust center will serve as both a thinktank focusing on the advancement of future disease diagnosis through research and advocacy, as well as a technology foundry to accelerate diagnostic development.“given our vast experience, expertise, and ecosystem in diagnostics, we are well poised to be the only center in the nation dedicated to advancing the entire field of diagnostics forward in this modern era of medicine,” says wilbur lam, md, phd, pediatric hematologist and oncologist at children’s healthcare of atlanta, and professor of pediatrics and biomedical engineering at emory university and georgia institute of technology. “as we help develop and translate new diagnostic technologies, our center will also concurrently address the issues of accessibility, usability, and affordability to ensure these state-of-art tests will serve the populations who need them the most.”the adjust center is borne out of the nih-funded point-of-care technologies center, the acme poct, which is one of six sites in the u.s. selected by nih as part of the nih point-of-care technologies research network. acme poct played a pivotal role during the onset of the covid-19 pandemic as the national test verification center to rapidly evaluate covid-19 tests and help make them widely available.the adjust center will seek to build off the expertise compiled during the covid-19 pandemic and apply the lessons learned and proven tactics to ensure equitable access to advanced technology for everyone. projects already underway include assessing the potential adverse outcomes of consumer health wearable technologies and examining the availability of point-of-care hpv diagnostics. emory’s senior vice president for research deborah bruner, phd, says, “the adjust center is an important new initiative that builds upon emory’s strengths and impacts so many of our institutional goals. it is highly innovative, it is entrepreneurial, it is collaborative, and it is focused on health equity – it encompasses a wide variety of things that make us emory. i’m extremely excited to see what the center can achieve for our community and the world.”.
本文来源: 埃默里启动新计划,通过加快疾病诊断研究来提高健康公平性