

(NYP competitors are flying off for WorldSkills)


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我们的11名勇敢的参赛者将参加2022年世界技能大赛特别版,在代表新加坡的29人队伍中占据最大份额。 在10月和11月前往德国、瑞士、奥地利和韩国等国之前,他们已经训练了好几个月来磨练自己的技能。 在9月19日(星期一)的下午茶会上,参赛者与pceo和高层管理人员举行了欢送仪式,并向他们致以良好的祝愿。 第二天,他们会见了教育部长陈俊星和新加坡代表团的其他成员。 新加坡世锦赛新加坡分会主席兼首席执行官陈部长和谭把旗帜传给两位新加坡世锦会队长;其中一位是elizabeth lee,她是我们的护理文凭学生,参加健康与社会护理比赛。 平面设计技术的竞争对手劳恩奇(lauenqi)说:“我一直在努力练习,每天都在模拟比赛场景。 尽管竞争压力很大,我还是学会了保持专注。 我期待着去瑞士了解更多其他竞争对手的创意作品。 我还希望结交其他国家的新朋友。 “我们祝愿我们的竞争对手一切顺利!!。
our 11 intrepid competitors are off to the worldskills competition 2022 special edition, forming the lion’s share of the 29-member contingent representing singapore.they have trained for many months to hone their skills before heading to countries like germany, switzerland, austria and korea over oct and nov.the competitors had a send-off ceremony with pceo and senior management who wished them well at a tea session on mon, 19 sep. the day after, they met education minister chan chun sing, together with other members of the team singapore contingent. minister chan and tan kok yam, chairman, worldskills singapore council and chief executive, ssg passed the flags to two team sg team captains; one of whom is elizabeth lee, our diploma in nursing student competing in health & social care.says graphic design technology competitor lau en qi, who will be going to aarau, switzerland: “i’ve been practising hard, doing simulated competition scenarios each day. i’ve learnt to stay focused, despite competition stress. i look forward to going to switzerland to learn more about the creative works of other competitors. i also hope to make new friends from other countries.”we wish our competitors all the best!! .

本文来源: 纽约警察局的竞争对手正在飞往WorldSkills




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