埃默里大学校友eva rothenberg,2021届英语和语言学荣誉毕业生,已被选为2024马歇尔奖学金获得者。 竞争性奖项涵盖了在美国研究生学习长达三年的时间。 英语字母表的第11个字母。 了解更多关于奖学金的信息有兴趣了解更多关于米切尔奖学金和其他著名奖项的学生应该联系埃默里国家奖学金和研究金项目的megan friddle,该项目现在是埃默里路径中心的一部分。 通过国家奖学金和研究金计划网站查找更多信息或安排预约。 埃默里大学应届毕业生伊娃·罗滕伯格被著名的马歇尔奖学金选中,该奖学金资助在英国进行长达三年的研究生学习。 罗滕伯格于2021年以最高荣誉毕业于埃默里文理学院,获得英语和语言学学位,是51名入选英国政府资助的竞争激烈奖项的美国人之一。 她是埃默里的第19位马歇尔学者。 埃默里大学校长gregoryl说:“毕业仅两年,eva就作为一名记者做出了令人印象深刻的贡献。”。 fenves。 “这正是我们希望在埃默里看到的,我们的毕业生带着目标和抱负开始职业生涯。 有了马歇尔奖学金,伊娃将更上一层楼,在为自己的生活和事业增添富有远见的新篇章的同时,加深自己在语言学方面的专业知识。 罗滕伯格计划在伯明翰大学学习应用语言学。 该大学是语料库语言学的先驱,语料库语言学是一种基于计算机的定性和定量研究语言的方法。 罗滕伯格目前在纽约cnn担任商业记者,她希望自己的学术工作能将数字人文与公共奖学金结合起来。 她说:“我认为新闻和学术是公共教育的补充工具。”。 “我想从不同的角度参与关于结构性问题和社会问题的对话。 罗滕伯格在牛津大学的第一学期语言学课程中发现了语言影响我们世界观的方式,反之亦然。 从牛津大学开始的emory学生在那里完成了前两年的学习,然后在亚特兰大继续他们的教育。 她开始将语言框架应用于约翰·米尔顿的英语课程。 牛津大学英语教授莎拉·希金波坦说,这种将这两个学科联系起来的能力帮助她在分解作者复杂的想法时写得很清楚。 那年春天,罗滕伯格在一门社会语言学课程中加深了这些技能,在那里她学会了使用基于语料库的方法来丰富她的文学分析。 她非常感兴趣,于是着手进行自己的项目,即对第一次世界大战前后的英国诗歌进行计算分析,以确定广泛的社会和文化变化。 罗滕伯格在2019年于威尔士举行的国际语料库语言学会议上发表了她的研究结果。 教授罗滕贝格第一门课程的牛津语言学家杰克·哈迪说,听众根本不知道她是一名本科生。 哈迪说:“伊娃准备得很充分,表现得很好,很多人都来问她在哪里当教练。”。 “当她说她是一名学生时,他们以为这是她的论文。 她是一个千载难逢的学生。 当罗滕伯格在大三时来到埃默里大学亚特兰大校区时,她通过在埃默里大学学生经营的广播电台联合主持每周一次的广播节目,通过电影分析社会政治问题,培养了她对讲故事的兴趣。 她还曾在埃默里写作中心担任辅导老师,从一年级起就在牛津写作中心担任导师。 那是她在亚特兰大的唯一一个学期。 新冠肺炎疫情爆发时,她正在布拉格查尔斯大学留学,并被送回家乡纽约远程完成大学学业。 一向勤奋的她把这段经历写成了一篇荣誉论文,研究了大学在宣布2020年秋季重新开学计划时使用的措辞。 罗滕伯格还利用这段时间获得新闻实习机会来提高自己的技能,先是在乔治亚公共广播电台工作,然后在cnn工作。 她说:“我知道我喜欢写作,喜欢与人交谈,喜欢听他们讲故事。”。 “从元的角度来看,我发现成为人们赖以理解影响他们生活的问题的组织的一员很有趣。 毕业后,她立即在cnn位于亚特兰大的编辑研究部工作了两年,负责核实事实,并保证网络上一些最敏感的报道的编辑完整性。 这个职位让她对语言如何影响故事框架,以及观众感知和与周围世界互动的方式有了新的认识。 在亚特兰大也让她与埃默里保持了联系,尤其是牛津大学。 希金波坦说,罗滕伯格利用去年春天的一个假期,就在她被提升到纽约职位之前,参加了牛津大学校园里为期一天的米尔顿《失乐园》的阅读活动。 希金波坦说:“休息一天,帮助大声朗读一首350年前的诗中的10000行,并与学生互动,这说明了eva的求知欲和真实性。”。 “她对语言学和文学有着独到的见解,可以帮助我们向更广泛的受众发表演讲,她正在将其付诸实践。 罗滕伯格引用了埃默里对本科生研究和文科的重视,尤其是牛津大学的支持环境,帮助她开辟了自己的道路。 “牛津大学在培养跨学科联系和展示文科如何帮助我们理解和解决现实问题方面表现非凡。 ”。
emory alumna eva rothenberg, a 2021 honors graduate in english and linguistics, has been selected for the 2024 marshall scholarship. the competitive award covers up to three years of graduate study in the u.k.learn more about scholarshipsstudents interested in learning more about the mitchell scholarship and other prestigious awards should contact megan friddle in emory’s national scholarships and fellowships program, now part of emory’s pathways center.find more information or schedule an appointment through the national scholarships and fellowships program website.recent emory university graduate eva rothenberg has been selected for the prestigious marshall scholarship, which funds up to three years of graduate study in the united kingdom.rothenberg, who graduated in 2021 with highest honors from emory college of arts and sciences with degrees in english and linguistics, is among 51 americans selected for the highly competitive award funded by the british government. she is emory’s 19th marshall scholar.“just two years after graduating, eva has made impressive contributions as a journalist,” says emory president gregory l. fenves. “this is what we love to see at emory our graduates launching into careers with purpose and ambition. with the marshall scholarship, eva will reach even higher, deepening her expertise in linguistics while adding a visionary new chapter to her life and career.” rothenberg plans to study applied linguistics at the university of birmingham. the university is a pioneer in corpus linguistics, the computer-based methodology that examines language qualitatively and quantitatively.now working as a business reporter at cnn in new york, rothenberg wants her academic work to weave together digital humanities and public scholarship.“i see journalism and academia as complementary tools for public education,” she says. “i want to engage in conversations about structural problems and societal issues from different perspectives.”rothenberg discovered ways that language informs our worldview and vice versa in a linguistics course her first semester at oxford college, home of the original emory campus about 30 miles east of atlanta.emory students who start at the oxford campus complete their first two years of study there before continuing their education on the atlanta campus. she began applying linguistic frameworks to an english course on john milton. that ability to connect the two disciplines helped her write clearly when breaking down the author’s complex ideas, says oxford english professor sarah higinbotham.that spring, rothenberg deepened those skills in a sociolinguistics course, where she learned that she could use corpus-based methods to enrich her literary analysis. she was so intrigued that she tackled her own project, a computational analysis of british poetry before and after world war i to identify broad social and cultural changes.rothenberg presented her findings at the international corpus linguistics conference in 2019 in wales. the audience had no idea she was an undergraduate, says jack hardy, the oxford linguist who taught rothenberg’s first course.“eva was so prepared and presented so well, people were coming up to her asking about where she was an instructor,” hardy says. “when she said she was a student, they thought it was her dissertation. she is a once-in-a-lifetime student.”when rothenberg arrived at emory’s atlanta campus her junior year, she developed her interest in storytelling by co-hosting a weekly radio show on wmre emory university’s student-run radio station analyzing sociopolitical issues through film. she also tutored at emory’s writing center, having been a tutor at oxford’s center since her first year.that was her only semester in atlanta. she was studying abroad at charles university in prague when the covid-19 pandemic struck, sending her back to her native new york to complete college remotely.ever industrious, she turned the experience into an honors thesis that examined the rhetoric universities used in announcing their re-opening plans for fall 2020.rothenberg also used the time to secure journalism internships to sharpen her skills, working first at georgia public broadcasting public radio and then at cnn.“i knew that i enjoyed writing and talking to people and hearing their stories,” she says. “and from a meta-perspective, i found it interesting to be a part of organizations that people rely on to understand issues that impact their lives.” immediately after graduating, she worked for two years in cnn’s editorial research department in atlanta, fact-checking and guaranteeing the editorial integrity of some of the network’s most sensitive stories.the position gave her a new appreciation for how language impacts story framing and, consequently, the ways audiences perceive and interact with the world around them. being in atlanta also let her maintain connections to emory, particularly oxford. rothenberg used a vacation day last spring, just before her promotion to the new york position, to join a daylong reading of milton’s “paradise lost” on the oxford campus, higinbotham says.“to take a day off just to help read 10,000 lines of a 350-year old poem aloud and engage with students speaks to eva’s intellectual curiosity and authenticity,” higinbotham says. “she has a vision of linguistics and literature that can help us speak to broader audiences, and she’s putting it into practice.”rothenberg cites emory’s emphasis on undergraduate research and the liberal arts, especially oxford’s supportive environment, as helping her carve her path.“oxford was just phenomenal in fostering cross-disciplinary connections and demonstrating how the liberal arts can help us understand and address real-world issues.”.
本文来源: 埃默里大学校友Eva Rothenberg入选2024马歇尔学者