埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健中心的跳过旋转木马部门也创建了独特的公共展示,展示了他们减轻压力的方法。 埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健部门也制作了独特的公开展示,展示了他们减轻压力的方法。 埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健部门也制作了独特的公开展示,展示了他们减轻压力的方法。 埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健部门也制作了独特的公开展示,展示了他们减轻压力的方法。 埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健部门也制作了独特的公开展示,展示了他们减轻压力的方法。 在今年秋天举行的“缓解压力运动”的下一次活动中,健康记忆组织了第一次年度“少压力,多生活!”抽奖活动,邀请领导与员工一起思考如何缓解压力。 13所埃默里大学和埃默里医疗保健部门和单位创建了独特而富有创意的公共展示,展示了员工减轻压力和寻找生活乐趣的方法。 参与者分享了在大自然中散步、拥抱、跳舞、吃美食和做白日梦等技巧。 埃默里约翰斯克里克医院当天外科的dymphna coradazzi说:“一起做董事会肯定有助于我们放松,更加感激彼此。”。 埃默里人力资源学习和组织发展部的gillianlandgraff说:“我们的团队真的很喜欢大自然,所以我们选择了一个以树木、树叶和林地生物为特色的主题。”。 “把它放在一起并得到每个人的意见非常有趣。 “该项目的目标是为领导者提供一种方式来展示他们对团队幸福感的承诺,”该大学负责幸福/健康战略的助理副校长farrahspellmanwilliams解释道。 “领导力在为员工创造参与工作福利活动的空间方面发挥着关键作用。 “emory的健康和幸福团队还想证明,支持幸福并不一定很复杂。 健康项目高级经理daniellenane说:“我们可以通过一些小的方式来支持彼此的健康,比如分享一些缓解压力的技巧。”。 随机抽取的获奖者是emoryhealthcare公司。 市场营销与埃默里大学人力资源学习与组织发展与福利部。 两个部门的所有成员都将获得免费的椅子按摩。 健康与福利团队计划明年再次举办抽奖活动。 抽奖活动是从9月开始的年度减压运动的一部分。 1至10月。 thirty-one。 埃默里大学教职员工援助计划(fsap)的教育协调员mellonie hayes mullins表示:“从压力中恢复过来是由该计划于2017年制定的,该计划是一项员工计划,旨在通过有趣而简单的活动来提高情绪健康和幸福感,从而改善压力管理和恢复能力。”。 在今年的活动中,healthemory与fsap合作,推广压力管理资源和服务。 参与emory大学和emory医疗保健的员工及其配偶如果参加了emory医疗计划,可以获得医疗计划福利激励,如果不参加emory医疗保险,则可以获得其他奖励。 emoryhealthcare员工援助计划bhs的资源也在活动中得到了推广。 健康记忆倡议旨在改善员工在体育活动、营养、睡眠、社区、压力管理和戒烟方面的健康和幸福感。 要了解更多关于健康emory和emory幸福计划的信息,请访问www。 健康的。 埃默里。 教育部。
skip carouseldepartments across emory university and emory healthcare also created unique public displays that showcased ways they reduced stress.departments across emory university and emory healthcare also created unique public displays that showcased ways they reduced stress.departments across emory university and emory healthcare also created unique public displays that showcased ways they reduced stress.departments across emory university and emory healthcare also created unique public displays that showcased ways they reduced stress.departments across emory university and emory healthcare also created unique public displays that showcased ways they reduced stress.previousnextas part of the refresh from stress campaign held this fall, healthy emory organized the first annual “stress less, live more!” raffle, inviting leaders to engage their employees to reflect on the many ways they relieve stress. thirteen emory university and emory healthcare departments and units created unique and creative public displays that showcased their employees’ remedies for reducing stress and finding joy in life.participants shared tips like walking in nature, hugs, dancing, eating good food and daydreaming.“just doing the board together has definitely helped us relax and be more grateful for each other,” says dymphna coradazzi of the emory johns creek hospital same day surgery department.“our team really loves nature, so we chose a theme featuring trees, leaves and woodland creatures,” says gillian landgraff from emory human resources learning and organizational development department. “it was a lot of fun putting it together and getting everyone’s input.”“the goal of the project was to provide a way for leaders to demonstrate their commitment to their teams’ well-being,” explains farrah spellman williams, assistant vice president, well-being/health strategies for the university. “leadership plays a key role in creating space for employees to participate in well-being activities at work.” emory’s health and well-being team also wanted to demonstrate that supporting well-being doesn’t have to be complicated.“we can support each other’s well-being even in small ways, like sharing some tips on stress relief,” says danielle lenane, senior manager of well-being programs.the winners which were drawn randomly were emory healthcare inc. marketing and emory university human resources’ learning and organizational development and benefits department. all members of both departments will receive free chair massages. the health and well-being team plans to host the raffle again next year.the raffle was a part of the annual refresh from stress campaign, which ran from sept. 1 to oct. 31.“refresh from stress was developed by the emory university faculty staff assistance program (fsap) in 2017 as an employee program focused on enhancing emotional health and well-being through fun and easy activities that improve stress management and resilience,” says mellonie hayes mullins, fsap’s education coordinator.during this year’s campaign, healthy emory collaborated with fsap to promote stress management resources and services. participating emory university and emory healthcare employees and their spouses could earn medical plan well-being incentives if they were on an emory medical plan, or other rewards if they were not on an emory medical plan. resources from emory healthcare’s employee assistance program bhs were also promoted during the campaign.the healthy emory initiative was established to improve employee health and well-being in physical activity, nutrition, sleep, community, stress management and tobacco avoidance. to learn more about healthy emory and emory’s well-being initiatives, visit www.healthy.emory.edu.
本文来源: Emory员工展示他们如何“减轻压力”