

(From Hurtwood to the Most Successful Entrepreneur in Nigeria)


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让我们来看看商业企业家abbasdayekh的成功,他创立了尼日利亚领先的食品配送服务公司oyanow,为2亿多人提供服务。 “oyanow”是一个一站式解决方案,适用于所有配送和专业服务,包括食品、医疗、洗衣和清洁服务,所有这些都通过其移动应用程序提供便利。 abbas在伦敦商学院举行的2020年度真正创新奖上荣获“人民选择奖”。 阿巴斯是他家族中第四个加入赫特伍德的成员,学习经济、商业和法语。 abbas拥有伦敦摄政大学的商业管理学位,并在家族企业工作了一年,他独立发展。 像许多成功的企业家一样,阿巴斯在第一次创业中失败了,失去了母亲借给他的一大笔钱来开启他的创业之旅。 在开拓了中国市场后,他于2016年回到尼日利亚,推出了oyanow,类似于在那里无法获得的deliveroo。 尽管oyanow在2016年至2020年期间面临着相当多的困难,但abbas还是设法通过投资者的额外资金维持了业务的运营,投资者看到了该业务计划的潜力。 当新冠肺炎疫情爆发时,阿巴斯发现自己在正确的时间出现在正确的地点,奥亚诺的营业额一夜之间飙升。 疫情期间,对快餐配送和其他服务的需求增加,导致了10000%的显著增长。 阿巴斯以公司有价值的股票的形式偿还了母亲更多的钱。 abbas最近回来和我们的hurtwood学生分享他的过山车之旅。 回忆起自己在这里的时光,他将赫特伍德描述为一个“为成年提供了一块巨大的垫脚石”的地方,一个“让你为现实生活和职场做好准备”的地方。 他说,他在这里期间建立的关系极大地影响了他的商业机会和风险,并声称“你的网络就是你的净资产”。
let’s take a look at the success of business entrepreneur abbas dayekh, who founded nigeria’s leading food delivery service company ‘oyanow’ which caters to over 200 million people. ‘oyanow’ is a one-stop solution for all delivery and professional services including food, medical care, laundry and cleaning services, all facilitated through its mobile app. abbas won the ‘people’s choice award’ at the 2020 real innovation awards at the london business school.abbas was the fourth member of his family to join hurtwood, studying economics, business and french. with a degree in business management from regents university london and a year working in the family business under his belt, abbas branched out on his own. like many a successful entrepreneur abbas failed in his first business venture, losing a significant amount of the money his mother had lent him to kick-start his entrepreneurial journey. having explored the markets in china, he returned to nigeria in 2016 to launch oyanow, similar to deliveroo which was unavailable there.although ‘oyanow’ faced its fair share of struggles between 2016 and 2020, abbas managed to keep the business afloat with additional capital from investors, who saw potential in the business plan. when covid struck, abbas found himself in the right place at the right time and the turnover of ‘oyanow skyrocketed overnight. the increased demand for fast food delivery and other services during the pandemic resulted in a remarkable growth rate of 10,000%. abbas has more than paid his mother back in the form of valuable stock in the company.abbas recently returned to share his rollercoaster ride with our hurtwood students. reflecting on his time here, he described hurtwood as a place that ‘provided a great steppingstone to adulthood’ and one that ‘prepares you for real-life and the working world’. he stated that connections he made during his time here greatly impacted his business opportunities and ventures, claiming that ‘your network is your net worth’.

本文来源: 从赫尔伍德到尼日利亚最成功的企业家




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