最近,科学分析服务机构科学信息研究所(isi)将埃默里大学的九名教员认定为世界上最具影响力的科学家精英团队的一员。 isi是clarivate的一个部门,它使用“高度引用的研究人员”这一名称来描述那些进行了高水平研究并对同事产生了强烈影响的学者。 来自67个国家和地区的1300多个机构的9名emory研究人员是一组被高度引用的研究人员中的一员。 选择是由isi的文献计量学专家进行的,通过一个过程进行选择,包括他们的作品在科学引文索引和社会科学引文索引中被引用的次数。 clarivate的学术与政府总裁bar-vinestein说:“我们为那些被高度引用的研究人员庆祝,他们的贡献通过帮助我们的世界变得更健康、更可持续、更安全而改变了我们的世界。 对被高度引用的研究人员的认可不仅验证了研究的卓越性,还提高了声誉,促进了合作,并为资源分配提供了信息,成为学术机构和商业组织的灯塔。 “九名埃默里研究人员(按字母顺序)是:微生物和免疫学系教授、埃默里疫苗中心主任、博士rafi ahmed,是一位世界知名的免疫学家,他在过去十年中的工作对我们目前对抵抗细菌的白细胞(称为t细胞)如何分化为感染后留在体内的更专业的记忆t细胞的理解产生了巨大影响。 马太福音c。 弗里曼博士是罗林斯公共卫生学院gangarosa环境卫生系asa-griggs-cander环境卫生教授,与全球卫生和流行病学系联合任命。 他研究了低收入环境中边缘化人群感染疾病的环境驱动因素,包括获得水、环境卫生和个人卫生(洗涤)。 毛圈布。 医学博士,埃默里医学院医学教授,研究血液中脂质水平升高(高脂血症)、高胆固醇的营养和药物管理、降低冠心病风险以及将心血管预防转化为实践。 他的职业生涯专注于通过行为咨询和为临床医生实施风险降低策略来改善患者的预后。 杨柳,博士,现任罗林斯公共卫生学院gangarosa环境卫生系主任、gangarasa特聘教授。 他利用卫星数据和模型模拟来研究环境暴露对健康的不利影响,以及气候变化对空气质量和人类健康的影响。 刘领导了许多由联邦政府资助的项目,将卫星数据应用于空气污染暴露和健康影响建模,并研究与极端天气、野火、花粉和环境空气污染相关的气候变化对人群健康的影响。 安德鲁h。 米勒,医学博士,是威廉。 timmie教授,埃默里大学医学院精神病学和行为科学系研究副主任,埃默里行为免疫学项目负责人。 米勒是国际公认的大脑和免疫系统相互作用的专家,因为它们与行为和健康有关,包括抑郁症。 他的研究重点是被称为细胞因子的信号蛋白引起人类抑郁症的机制。 georgepainter,博士,医学院药理学和化学生物学系教授,emory(drive)药物创新企业首席执行官,emory药物开发研究所所长,在现代抗病毒疗法的发现、开发和实施中发挥了重要作用。 他拥有150多项专利,其中许多专利已被批准用于治疗艾滋病毒、乙型肝炎、天花、流感和冠状病毒感染的商业药物或药物组合。 苏雷什。 ramalingam,医学博士,医学院血液学和医学肿瘤学系教授,也是winship癌症研究所的执行主任。 ramalingam是一位国际知名的胸部肿瘤学家和内科科学家,专注于为癌症患者开发个性化治疗。 kerry j。 雷斯勒,医学博士,博士,医学院精神病学和行为科学系客座教授。 他研究复杂的神经精神障碍,试图了解哪些行为受到影响,哪些大脑区域受到影响,这些区域中的哪些基因、分子和细胞类型可能受到影响,以及环境如何影响发展这些障碍的倾向。 他的实验室通过整合动物模型和人类遗传学研究,研究了恐惧过程和焦虑症(包括创伤后应激障碍)背后的分子、遗传、表观遗传学和神经回路机制。 梅胡尔。 suthar,博士,儿科和埃默里疫苗中心的副教授,目前正在应用一种创新的系统生物学方法来理解控制先天免疫的复杂而动态的信号网络,先天免疫是人体的多重屏障,旨在抑制或减缓病毒感染。 他结合高通量技术、计算分析和通路特异性建模,揭示了组织和细胞特异性基因调控信号网络以及控制病毒感染和调节先天抗病毒免疫的抗病毒效应基因。
nine emory faculty were recently recognized as part of an elite group of the world’s most influential scientists by the institute for scientific information (isi), a scientific analysis service. isi, a division of clarivate, uses the designation “highly cited researchers” to describe scholars who produce high levels of research that also has a strong influence on their colleagues.the nine emory researchers are part of a group of highly cited researchers from more than 1,300 institutions in 67 nations and regions. selections were made by isi’s bibliometrics experts, chosen through a process that includes the number of times their work is cited in the science citation index and the social sciences citation index.bar veinstein, president of academia & government at clarivate says: “we celebrate the highly cited researchers whose contributions transform our world by helping to make it healthier, more sustainable and more secure. recognition of highly cited researchers not only validates research excellence but also enhances reputation, fosters collaboration, and informs resource allocation, acting as a beacon for academic institutions and commercial organizations.”the nine emory researchers (in alphabetical order) are:rafi ahmed, phd, professor in the department of microbiology and immunology and director of the emory vaccine center, is a world-renowned immunologist whose work during the past decade has been highly influential in shaping our current understanding of how the germ-fighting white blood cells called t cells differentiate into the more specialized memory t cells that remain in the body after infection has been conquered.matthew c. freeman, phd, is the asa griggs candler professor of environmental health in the gangarosa department of environmental health at the rollins school of public health with joint appointments in the departments of global health and epidemiology. he studies environmental drivers of infectious disease in marginalized populations in low-income settings including access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (wash).terry a. jacobson, md, professor of medicine in the emory school of medicine, studies elevated lipid levels in the blood (hyperlipidemia), nutrition and drug management of high cholesterol, coronary heart disease risk reduction, and translating cardiovascular prevention into practice. his career is focused on improving patient outcomes through behavioral counseling and implementing risk reduction strategies for clinicians.yang liu, phd, is the chair and gangarosa distinguished professor in the gangarosa department of environment health at the rollins school of public health. he uses satellite data and model simulations to investigate the adverse health effects of environmental exposure as well as the impact of climate change on air quality and human health. liu has led many federally funded projects to apply satellite data to air pollution exposure and health effects modeling and study the population-wide health impacts of climate change related to extreme weather, wildfires, pollen, and ambient air pollution.andrew h. miller, md, is the william p. timmie professor and vice chair for research in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the emory university school of medicine, as well as head of the emory behavioral immunology program. miller is an internationally recognized expert in interactions between the brain and immune system as they relate to behavior and health, including depression. his research focuses on the mechanisms by which the signaling proteins called cytokines cause depression in humans.george painter, phd, professor in the department of pharmacology and chemical biology at the school of medicine, ceo of drug innovation ventures at emory (drive), and director of the emory institute for drug development, has played a major role in the discovery, development, and implementation of modern antiviral therapy. he holds more than 150 patents, many of which have led to approved, commercially available drugs or combinations of drugs for the treatment of hiv, hepatitis b, smallpox, influenza, and coronavirus infections.suresh s. ramalingam, md, is a professor in the school of medicine’s department of hematology and medical oncology as well as executive director of the winship cancer institute. an internationally renowned thoracic oncologist and physician scientist, ramalingam has focused on the development of individualized therapies for patients with non-small cell lung cancer.kerry j. ressler, md, phd, is a visiting professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the school of medicine. he studies complex neuropsychiatric disorders by trying to learn what behaviors are affected, which brain regions are involved, which genes, molecules, and cell types in these regions might be involved, and how the environment affects the propensity to develop these disorders. his lab investigates the molecular, genetic, epigenetic, and neural circuit mechanisms underlying fear processes and anxiety disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) through an integration of animal models and human genetic research.mehul s. suthar, phd, associate professor in the department of pediatrics, as well as at the emory vaccine center, is currently applying an innovative systems biology approach to understand the complex and dynamic signaling networks that control innate immunity, the body’s multiple barriers designed to suppress or slow down viral infections. he uses a combination of high-throughput technology, computational analysis and pathway-specific modeling to reveal tissue and cell-specific gene regulatory signaling networks and antiviral effector genes that control virus infection and regulate innate antiviral immunity.
本文来源: 埃默里学院被公认为世界上最具影响力的研究人员之一