11月,来自全国各地学院和大学的高级领导在埃默里举行了为期三天的聚会,讨论学生的健康和福祉,分享解决方案,并发现满足学生不断变化的需求的方法。 --克莱尔·德帕尔马11月,埃默里大学主办了首届峰会,吸引了56位负责学院和大学健康与福祉的最高级领导人。 与会者代表了全国各地的各种公立和私立高等教育机构。 长期以来,学生的幸福感,包括身体和心理健康等方面,一直被认为是高等教育中的一个关键问题。 在这种背景下,一个多元化的领导者网络聚集在一起,共同研究这些挑战,探索趋势,并分享有效的策略,以促进学生的整体健康和福祉。 2023年大学健康与福祉领袖峰会由埃默里大学和乔治亚大学共同主办。 仅限受邀参加的活动代表了一系列拥有3000至50000多名学生的机构。 领导峰会的起源是在合作中创建的,自四年前成立以来,成员名单不断增加,将100多位高等教育中的健康与福祉思想领袖联系起来。 emory校园生活负责健康、幸福、获取和预防的副总裁james raper制定并维护了这份名单。 “根据我们的会员名单,我们于2023年春季在华盛顿大学举行了25名会员的首次会议。 “路易斯,这是我们今年秋天峰会的动力,”raper说,并指出春季会议和秋季uhwl峰会是此类会议中的第一次。 未来,raper说:“我们将在每年秋天的uhwl峰会上召集高级领导层,专门讨论学生健康和福祉方面的战略、问题解决和合作。 他指出,亚特兰大为旅行者提供的便利,以及埃默里在学生健康和福祉方面持续开展的强有力的工作,使其成为首届峰会的理想地点。 然而,未来的峰会将在与不同成员机构相关的其他地点轮流举行。 该小组成员在年度峰会之间定期进行沟通,了解集体解决问题至关重要。 他们还会在全年的其他国家专业协会会议上会面,继续进行批判性的讨论。 “在这样的峰会上建立联系,可以让我们相互学习,建立超越峰会的关系,”阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校负责学生健康和福祉的助理副校长rebecca kennedy说。 “因此,当我们的校园出现问题时,我们有无数我们认识和信任的专家顾问,我们可以联系他们,并迅速制定适当的、经过审查的最佳实践应对措施。 “峰会还为主办机构emory和uga提供了一个独特的机会,让他们分享各自校园工作的挑战和成功,以增强和促进大学生的健康和福祉,”uga负责学生福祉的副总裁beau seagraves指出。 seagraves说:“我为我们在uga提供的强大服务和资源感到骄傲。”。 “然而,和其他峰会参与者一样,我离开会议时充满了新的想法和联系,这将帮助我们的团队在满足学生不断变化的需求方面取得进展。 raper说:“‘丰富的经验、专业知识和智慧’”uhwl成员长期以来一直认为,有效支持和促进学生健康和福祉的复杂性,从新冠肺炎到心理健康,再到暴力、仇外心理、气候变化和许多其他问题的影响。 “我们对大学校园整体福祉的共同承诺意味着,作为国家领导人,我们在同事关系和战略上也必须做到全面。 raper解释说,鉴于该组织所体现的“非凡的经验、专业知识和智慧”,此次峰会是基于一种共同的领导模式。 在活动之前,会向参与者发送一份包含数十个可能主题的列表,让他们按照重要性的顺序排列优先级,如果参与者愿意,还可以写下其他主题。 随后,为期两天的峰会重点讨论了由任何或所有与会者根据其集体表达的优先事项进行的讨论。 与会者提出了数十个讨论主题,分为预防和健康促进、数据、人员配置、服务、干预、领导和组织结构,以及政治在工作场所和州、国家和国际层面的影响等类别。 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校负责学生事务的副校长brianvictor表示:“此次峰会是卫生和福利领导人向前迈出的重要一步,他们将分享协调学生服务的趋势和解决方案,帮助他们的集体机构从危机中恢复过来,最终走向繁荣。”。 维克托指出:“像这样的峰会不仅为全国各地的卫生和福利领导人提供了合作和支持。”。 “它们激发了一种认同感,并为下一代学院和大学健康与福祉领导者指明了道路。 ”。
senior leaders from colleges and universities across the nation gathered at emory for three days in november to discuss student health and well-being, share solutions and discover ways to meet the evolving needs of students.— claire depalmain november, emory university hosted the inaugural summit that drew 56 of the senior-most leaders responsible for college and university health and well-being. attendees represented a variety of public and private institutions of higher education throughout the country.student well-being, including physical and mental health among other dimensions, has long been documented as a critical issue across higher education. against this backdrop, a diverse network of leaders met to collectively examine such challenges, explore trends and share effective strategies to advance the holistic health and well-being of students.the university health and well-being leaders (uhwl) 2023 summit was co-sponsored by emory university and the university of georgia. participants in the invitation-only event represented an array of institutions with student bodies ranging from 3,000 to more than 50,000.created in collaborationthe genesis of the leadership summit is a membership list that has grown since its inception four years ago to connect more than 100 health and well-being thought leaders in higher education. james raper, associate vice president for health, well-being, access and prevention with emory campus life, developed and maintains the list.“based on our membership list, we held an initial meeting of 25 members in spring 2023 at washington university in st. louis, which was the impetus for our summit this fall,” says raper, noting that the spring meeting and the fall uhwl summit are the first of their kind.going forward, raper says, “we’ll convene senior leadership at a uhwl summit each fall specifically to discuss strategy, problem solving and colleagueship in student health and well-being.”he points out that atlanta’s accessibility for travelers and emory’s robust, ongoing work in student health and well-being made it an ideal location for the inaugural summit. however, future summits will rotate among other locations connected with different member institutions.members of the group communicate regularly with one another between annual summits, understanding that addressing issues collectively is essential. they also meet at other national professional association conferences throughout the year, where they continue their critical discussions.“connecting at a summit like this allows us to learn from one another and build relationships that go way beyond the summit,” says rebecca kennedy, assistant vice president for student health and well-being at the university of alabama, birmingham. “as a result, when an issue arises on our campuses, we have a myriad of expert consultants who we know and trust, who we can reach out to and quickly develop appropriate, vetted best-practice responses.”the summit also offered emory and uga, as the hosting institutions, a unique opportunity to share the challenges and successes of the work on their respective campuses to enhance and promote the health and well-being of college students, notes beau seagraves, uga’s associate vice president for student well-being.“i am very proud of the robust services and resources we provide at uga,” seagraves says. “yet, like other summit participants, i came away from the meeting full of new ideas and connections that will help our team move forward in meeting the evolving needs of our students.”‘extraordinary range of experience, expertise and wisdom’“uhwl members have long identified the complexities of effectively supporting and advancing the health and well-being of our students from covid-19 to mental health to the impacts of violence, xenophobia, climate change and many other issues,” raper says. “our shared commitment to holistic well-being on college campuses means we also must be holistic in our colleagueship and strategy as national leaders.”given the “extraordinary range of experience, expertise and wisdom” reflected in the group, raper explains, the summit is based on a shared leadership model. before the event, a list of dozens of possible topics was sent to participants for them to prioritize in order of importance and, if attendees chose, to write in additional topics. the two days of summit meetings then focused on discussions led by any or all participants based on their collectively expressed priorities.participants proposed dozens of topics for discussion in categories such as prevention and health promotion, data, staffing, services, intervention, leadership and organizational structures, and the impact of politics in the workplace and at state, national, and international levels.“this summit is a significant step forward for health and well-being leaders to share trends and solutions for coordinating student services that will help their collective institutions rise from crisis toward resilience and ultimately flourishing,” says brian victor, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, university of north carolina, wilmington.“summits like this not only provide collegiality and support among health and well-being leaders across the country,” victor notes. “they inspire a sense of identity and point to pathways for the next generation of college and university health and well-being leaders.”.
本文来源: 埃默里大学共同赞助首届学生健康与福祉领袖峰会