当家人和朋友开始照顾患有痴呆症的亲人时,他们的注意力会立即转移到如何最好地管理患者的日常健康和幸福上。 不太明显的是,在这一过程中,他们需要掌握多少医疗保健、法律、金融、社会服务和家庭系统,以及这对那些没有经验的人来说有多可怕。 为了解决这个问题,美国国家老龄化研究所授予了3美元。 向埃默里大学nell hodgson伍德拉夫护理学院提供500万美元赠款,用于研究一种在线工具提高护理人员掌握能力的能力。 卡罗琳·克莱文杰五年r01补助金授予卡罗琳·克莱文杰,dnp,gnp bc,faanp,fgsa,faan和ken-hepurn,phd,fgsa教授。 他们将要测试的项目采用了最先进的交互式学习方法,这些方法可以异步访问,为繁忙的护理人员提供了灵活的使用方式,帮助他们理解和掌握自己所处的导航角色。 老年护理从业者、记忆综合记忆护理诊所创始人/主任clevenger指出,有1100多万非正式护理人员指导痴呆症患者的日常生活、财富和护理系统互动,提供支持至关重要。 她补充道:“通过加强照顾者与系统和结构互动的能力来促进有效的应对行为,可以减少照顾者的高压力。”。 “我们希望,确保这些系统和结构得到有效访问和部署,也将使痴呆症患者受益。 老年学家和痴呆症护理研究人员赫本说:“家庭成员和朋友往往是将痴呆症患者留在社区环境中的护理核心,这一现实既有家庭影响,也有社会影响。”。 他补充道:“护理人员越能更好地应对护理的各个方面,他们就越能推迟将亲人安置在成本更高的机构护理环境中。”。 肯·赫本除了克莱文杰和赫本之外,其他参与资助的护理学院教员还包括格伦娜·布鲁斯特、费伦·艾普斯、梅丽莎·希金斯和卡利莎·邦斯·约翰逊。 加入他们工作的有winship癌症研究所的emory同事joenocera,医学院/老年医学和老年病学医学系的mollyperkins,以及家庭和预防医学系的saraturbow。 这项研究得到了国家卫生研究院老龄研究所的支持,编号为r01ag082833。 内容完全由作者负责,不一定代表国家卫生研究所的官方观点。 该项目还通过emory-roybal痴呆症护理掌握中心获得了试点支持。 关于奈尔-霍奇森-伍德拉夫护理学院作为美国顶尖的护理学院之一,埃默里大学的奈尔-霍德森-伍德拉夫护士学院致力于培养富有远见的护士领袖和学者。 no的家。 1位大师,没有。 3 bsn和否。 全国6个dnp项目,学校被全国护理联盟认定为护理教育卓越中心。 该校提供本科生、硕士生、博士生和非学位课程,汇集了尖端资源、杰出的教师、顶尖的临床经验,以及与领先的医疗保健合作伙伴的接触,以塑造护理的未来,并影响世界的健康和福祉。 了解更多护理知识。 埃默里。 教育部。
when family members and friends begin caregiving for a loved one with dementia, their attention is immediately drawn to how best to manage their person’s day-to-day health and well-being.what is less apparent is how many health care, legal, financial, social service, and family systems they will need to navigate along the way and how daunting it can be for those without previous experience.to address this issue, the national institute on aging has awarded a $3.5 million grant to the emory university nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing to study an online tool’s capacity to increase caregiver mastery. carolyn clevenger the five-year r01 grant was awarded to professors carolyn clevenger, dnp, gnp-bc, faanp, fgsa, faan, and ken hepburn, phd, fgsa. the program they will be testing employs state-of-the-art, interactive learning methods that can be accessed asynchronously, providing flexible use for busy caregivers to help them understand and master the navigator role in which they find themselves.with more than 11 million informal caregivers guiding the daily lives, fortunes, and care system interactions of persons living with dementia, providing support is of the utmost importance, noted clevenger, a gerontological nurse practitioner and founder/director of the emory integrated memory care clinic.“promoting effective coping behaviors by strengthening caregivers’ capacities for navigating interactions with systems and structures may reduce high levels of caregiver stress,” she adds. "we hope that ensuring that these systems and structures are effectively accessed and deployed will benefit persons with dementia as well.”family members and friends are often the core of care that keeps persons with dementia in their community settings a reality that has both family and societal implications, says hepburn, a gerontologist and dementia caregiving researcher. “the better-equipped caregivers are for navigating all aspects of care, the longer they can delay placing their loved ones into more costly institutional care settings,” he adds. ken hepburn in addition to clevenger and hepburn, other school of nursing faculty members working on the grant include glenna brewster, fayron epps, melissa higgins and kalisha bonds johnson. joining their work are emory colleagues joe nocera of the winship cancer institute, molly perkins of the school of medicine/department of medicine division of geriatrics and gerontology, and sara turbow of the department of family and preventative medicine.this research is supported by the national institute on aging of the national institutes of health under award number r01ag082833. the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the national institutes of health. the project also received pilot support through the emory roybal center for dementia caregiving mastery.about the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursingas one of the nations top nursing schools, the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing at emory university is committed to educating visionary nurse leaders and scholars. home to the no. 1 masters, no. 3 bsn and no. 6 dnp programs nationwide, the school has been recognized as a center of excellence in nursing education by the national league of nursing. the school offers undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and non-degree programs, bringing together cutting-edge resources, distinguished faculty, top clinical experiences, and access to leading health care partners to shape the future of nursing and impact the worlds health and well-being. learn more at nursing.emory.edu.
本文来源: 护理学校获得350万美元,用于研究痴呆症患者护理人员的在线工具