rebeccamartin(在讲台上)在eghi的infocus:emoryexcellentsinglobalhealthevent上介绍rachelhall-clifford。 埃默里大学人类健康研究中心的rachelhall-clifford是2023年杰弗里奖的获得者。 koplan全球健康奖。 埃默里大学负责全球健康的副校长、埃默里全球健康研究所(eghi)所长rebeccamartin于11月在eghi的infocus:emoryexcellentsinglobalhealthevent上向hallclifdd颁奖。 马丁认可了hall clifford在全球卫生领域的工作,“在亚特兰大和世界各地,他是一位医学人类学家,将社会科学方法应用于全球卫生研究和实施,以改善世界各地的卫生公平。 医学人类学家rachelhall-clifford是2023年获得杰弗里奖的人。 koplan全球健康奖。 她在危地马拉中部高地进行了超过15年的卫生服务提供实地调查。 hall clifford在危地马拉中部高地进行了超过15年的卫生服务提供实地调查。 她的研究领域包括为边缘化人群提供可获得的医疗保健、在种族灭绝后背景下加强卫生系统以及全球卫生实地调查伦理。 她是休伯特全球卫生系和人类健康与社会学研究中心的助理教授,领导着emory健康公平联合设计实验室。 hall clifford的全球健康影响的例子包括共同创立乔治亚-美国全球健康妇女分会和“安全+分娩”,这是一个围产期监测项目和共同设计的工具包,最近获得了谷歌的支持。 org ai全球目标影响力挑战奖。 在谷歌赠款的支持下,埃默里和玛雅健康联盟伙伴关系将扩大“安全+分娩”倡议,该倡议在改善危地马拉农村的妊娠结局方面取得了巨大成功。危地马拉是拉丁美洲新生儿死亡率最高的地区,尤其是在该国的玛雅土著人口中。 hallclifford在获奖感言中说:“我们的安全+分娩团队知道,孕产妇死亡率在危地马拉和全世界都是一个巨大的问题。”。 “但玛雅的助产士们早就知道了。 联合设计为减少全球卫生中的权力不对称和促进卫生公平提供了机会。 我的目标是继续努力,将safe+natal作为一个联合设计模型和一个工具包,在全球范围内推广到其他人,包括美国乔治亚州的家中。 关于jeffrey p。 koplan awardjeffrey p。 koplan于2006年创立了emory全球健康研究所,并在2021年之前担任emory全球卫生副总裁和eghi主任。 他继续担任eghi儿童健康和死亡率预防监测项目以及国际国家公共卫生研究所协会的高级战略顾问。 杰弗里。 科普兰奖是以他的名字命名的,表彰他如何激励了几代全球卫生领导人。 该奖项授予埃默里大学的学生、教职员工,以表彰他们在全球健康影响方面的杰出学术成就、模范服务或表现。
rebecca martin (at podium) introduces rachel hall-clifford at eghi’s infocus: emory excellence in global health event. rachel hall-clifford of emory university’s center for the study of human health is the 2023 recipient of the jeffrey p. koplan global health award.rebecca martin, vice president for global health at emory university and director of emory global health institute (eghi), presented the award to hall-clifford at eghi’s infocus: emory excellence in global health event in november.martin recognized hall-clifford’s work in global health, “here in atlanta and around the world, as a medical anthropologist who applies social science approaches to global health research and implementation to improve health equity around the world.”medical anthropologist rachel hall-clifford is the 2023 recipient of the jeffrey p. koplan global health award. she has conducted fieldwork in the central highlands of guatemala on the delivery of health services for more than 15 years.hall-clifford has conducted fieldwork in the central highlands of guatemala on the delivery of health services for more than 15 years. her research areas include accessible health care for marginalized populations, health systems strengthening in post-genocide contexts and global health fieldwork ethics.she is an assistant professor in the hubert department of global health and center for the study of human health and sociology, where she leads the emory co-design lab for health equity.examples of hall-clifford’s global health impact include co-founding the georgia usa chapter of women in global health and “safe+natal,” a perinatal monitoring program and co-designed toolkit that recently received the ai for the global goals impact challenge award. with support from the google grant, the emory and maya health alliance partnership will expand the safe+natal initiative, which has demonstrated enormous success in improving pregnancy outcomes in rural guatemala, a region with the highest neonatal mortality rates in latin america, especially among the country’s indigenous maya population. “our safe+natal team knew that maternal mortality is a huge problem in guatemala and throughout the world,” hall-clifford said in her acceptance speech. “but the maya midwives knew it first. co-design offers an opportunity to reduce the power asymmetries and promote health equity in global health. my goal is to keep working to bring safe+natal to scale as both a co-design model and as a toolkit that can reach others globally, including at home in georgia, usa.”about the jeffrey p. koplan awardjeffrey p. koplan founded emory global health institute in 2006 and served as emory’s vice president for global health and eghi’s director until 2021. he continues to serve as a senior strategic advisor to eghi’s child health and mortality prevention surveillance program and the international association of national public health institutes.the jeffrey p. koplan award is named in his honor and recognizes how he has inspired generations of global health leaders. the award is given to an emory university student, staff or faculty member in recognition of outstanding academic merit or achievement, exemplary service or performance toward global health impact.
本文来源: Rachel Hall Clifford获得2023年Jeffrey P.Koplan全球健康奖