作为emory医疗保健部门的总裁,penny castellano将监督emory的门诊诊所与其11家医院的协调,为患者在访问emory医疗时提供无缝体验。 亚特兰大-埃默里医疗保健公司今天宣布任命彭妮·卡斯特拉诺医学博士为埃默里医疗医师部总裁,这是一个新设立的职位,也是埃默里诊所的临时主任。 这一新职位将监督埃默里的门诊诊所与其11家医院的协调,为患者在参观埃默里医疗保健时提供无缝体验。 作为emory医疗保健医师部门的总裁,castellano将对emory所有医疗保健医师诊所进行战略和运营监督,包括佐治亚州最全面的医师团体诊所emory诊所和emory旗下的医师执业组织emory专业协会。 她还将担任埃默里医疗保健和埃默里大学医学院之间的医生联络人,2024年1月,她将承担埃默里医疗健康首席医疗官的所有职责。 joon说:“这一新设立的emory医疗保健部门总裁的角色对emory医疗的近期和长期未来至关重要。”。 李,医学博士,emoryhealthcare首席执行官。 “我们很幸运有博士。 卡斯特拉诺是一位杰出的领导者和广受尊敬和认可的临床医生,他将担任这一职位,同时担任埃默里诊所的临时主任。 她的领导将有助于确保我们的诊所运营和实践与我们的医院保持一致。 卡斯特拉诺在新泽西州麦迪逊的德鲁大学获得了动物学学士学位,并在埃默里医学院获得了医学学位。 她完成了在埃默里大学的实习,然后于1990年加入埃默里大学妇产科,担任教员。 今天她在同一系担任教授职务。 卡斯特拉诺在埃默里大学的30多年里,曾在医学院和埃默里诊所担任过许多领导职务,包括普通妇产科主任、临床事务副主任和妇产科临时主任。 目前,她担任emory诊所和emory专科助理的副主任兼首席医疗官。 卡斯特拉诺说:“我很荣幸被选为这两个职位,领导我们的医生门诊诊所向前发展,其使命是为我们的患者提供卓越的患者护理和尽可能好的体验。”。 “我们的团队处于有利地位,能够为亚特兰大、东南部及其他地区的患者带来有意义的积极影响。 我很高兴能成为这支了不起的球队的一员。 “在埃默里医疗保健新的系统调整结构中,卡斯特拉诺将与最近任命的两位部门总裁密切合作——埃默里医疗区域医院部门总裁heather-dexter和埃默里医疗大学医院部门总裁mattwain。 他们将与各自的团队共同努力,集中精力为整个医疗保健系统的患者提供无缝的连续护理。 ###。
as president of the emory healthcare physician division, penny castellano will oversee the alignment of emory’s outpatient clinics with its 11 hospitals, offering patients a seamless experience when visiting emory healthcare.atlanta – emory healthcare announced today the appointment of penny castellano, md, as president of the emory healthcare physician division, a newly created position, as well as interim director of emory clinic. the new role will oversee the alignment of emory’s outpatient clinics with its 11 hospitals, offering patients a seamless experience when visiting emory healthcare. as president of the emory healthcare physician division, castellano will have strategic and operational oversight of all emory healthcare physician practices, inclusive of emory clinic, the most comprehensive physician group practice in georgia, and emory specialty associates, an emory-owned physician practice organization. she will also serve as the physician liaison between emory healthcare and emory university school of medicine, and in january 2024, she will assume all responsibilities that currently fall under the chief medical officer role for emory healthcare. “this newly created role of president of the emory healthcare physician division is one of critical importance for the near- and long-term future of emory healthcare,” says joon s. lee, md, ceo of emory healthcare. “we are fortunate to have dr. castellano, an outstanding leader and widely respected and recognized clinician, assume this position, along with the role of interim director of emory clinic. her leadership will be instrumental to ensure that our clinic operations and practices run cohesively and in alignment with our hospitals.” castellano earned a bachelor’s degree in zoology from drew university in madison, nj, and a medical degree from emory school of medicine. she completed her residency at emory, then joined emory’s department of gynecology and obstetrics as faculty in 1990. today she holds the position of professor in the same department. castellano has held many leadership roles within the school of medicine and emory clinic during her 30-plus years at emory, including division director for general gynecology and obstetrics, vice chair for clinical affairs and interim chair of the department of gynecology and obstetrics on two different occasions. currently she serves as associate director and chief medical officer for emory clinic and emory specialty associates. “i am honored to have been selected for these two roles to lead our physician outpatient practices forward, with a mission of delivering excellent patient care and providing the best possible experience for our patients,” says castellano. “our teams are well-positioned and able to make a meaningful and positive impact for patients in atlanta, in the southeast and beyond. i am excited to be a part of this amazing team.” in a new system alignment structure for emory healthcare, castellano will work closely with two additional recently named division presidents -- heather dexter, president of the emory healthcare regional hospital division and matt wain, president of the emory healthcare university hospital division. they will all work together with their teams to focus on a seamless continuum of care for patients across the health care system. ###.
本文来源: Penny Castellano被任命为埃默里医疗保健医师部总裁,埃默里诊所临时主任