skip carousel,伍德拉夫图书馆大楼的正门。一个学生使用eagleprint的新简化软件在woodruff图书馆中使用新打印机。newserpentine bookshelves,位于伍德拉夫图书馆的螺旋楼梯左侧伍德拉夫健康科学中心图书馆中的一名学生使用了新的3d打印机之一。埃默里图书馆(emory libraries)进行了几年,埃默里图书馆(emory libraries)进行了用户调查,以了解其资源,服务和设备是否满足学生,教职员工和员工的需求。根据2022年春季学期进行的调查的结果,图书馆工作人员今年秋天一直在图书馆进行大量改进,这是学生和教职员工准备决赛的完美时机,并展望春季学期。值得注意的是,用于工作站和结帐的笔记本电脑的计算机正在升级到更新,更快的型号。为顾客添加了更多的工作站监视器,以为顾客提供双重监控福利,或者在某些情况下,监视器已被完全替换。eagleprint系统的新软件已建立,以提供更好的印刷体验。阅读室的预订正在网上移动到一个更简单,更快的系统。“我们感谢所有对调查做出回应并在评论中提供了很好反馈的教师和学生,”副副教务长兼大学图书馆员lisa macklin说。“您的意见都受图书馆中的每个人的重视,我们进行改进的工作正在进行中。我们鼓励emory社区访问我们的网站或在任何emory图书馆停下来探索我们所提供的一切。请注意,这是顾客最可见的部分列表,其他更新和幕后改进将在接下来的一个月内继续推出。材料和设备checkoutscameras,笔记本电脑,耳机,笔记本电脑和电话充电器,电缆和其他可供借用的设备:许多调查评论表明,顾客缺乏意识到该设备可以从服务台上借用,因此图书馆将增加对这些物品的促销。用户可以查看网站上可用设备的列表,还可以要求图书馆购买其他设备。selfserviceshort to crockulating books:从2024年1月开始,顾客将能够从指定的woodruff图书馆服务台附近的区域,并使用自我检查机器进行检查。螺旋楼梯附近2级的伍德拉夫图书馆:其中包括“甜甜圈”形搁板,其中包括新书,图形小说和小说的小说以及由学生策划的小说以及蛇形搁板,其中包含mcnaughton收藏的小说,食谱和其他小说,书籍和其他休闲选择可供结帐。这些货架及其布置的内容的开发,特别是旋转的显示器和图形小说的部分原因是多年来的调查结果,要求更好地强调图书馆在各种流派中的印刷收藏。mcnaughton collection的结帐时间更长:请求增加的结帐时间已从14天到28天,以与本科贷款期保持一致。印刷和学习室new eagleprint软件使您可以更轻松地从您到最近的打印机上打印(这将需要下载新软件,但是可以在此博客文章中找到简单的说明)。安装在cox hall计算中心前的走廊中。吊舱椅为单个study.com提供了一种隐私感和降噪效果,已升级到更强大的m2 mac minis和新的apple displays(medialab)。woodruff health sciences center(whsc)图书馆新的研究空间将在一楼开放,预计将在12月安装新家具。已将微波炉烤箱添加到公共自动售货区。平面扫描仪已更换。d打印机是在今年早些时候安装的。在b58室内安装了两个大型监视器,以插入个人笔记本电脑,并计划增加更多。笔记本电脑,耳机和其他可用于结帐的设备继续根据需要更换。whsc库在单独的博客文章中提供了有关其对用户调查结果的响应的更多详细信息。牛津,玫瑰和戈苏埃塔商业图书馆对结果进行调查,用户没有意识到许多服务。
skip carouselthe main entrance of the woodruff library building.a student uses one of the new printers in the woodruff library with eagleprint’s new streamlined serpentine bookshelves, located to the left of the spiral staircase in the woodruff library, highlight the popular reading collection.a student in the woodruff health sciences center library uses one of the new 3-d printers.previousnextevery few years, emory libraries conducts user surveys to learn if its resources, services and equipment meet the needs of students, faculty and staff. based on the results from the survey conducted during the spring 2022 semester, library staff members have been implementing a host of improvements across the libraries this fall which is perfect timing as students and faculty prep for finals and look ahead to the spring semester. notably, computers for workstations and laptops for checkout are being upgraded to newer, faster models. more workstation monitors have been added for dual-monitor benefits for patrons or, in some cases, monitors have been replaced altogether. new software for the eagleprint system is in place to provide a better printing experience. study room reservations are being moved online to a simpler, faster system.“we appreciate all of the faculty and students who responded to the survey and provided great feedback in their comments,” says lisa macklin, associate vice provost and university librarian. “your input is valued by everyone in the libraries and our work to make improvements is ongoing. we encourage the emory community to visit our website or stop by any of emory libraries to explore all we have to offer.”read on to learn more about improvements emory libraries staff members have been making in response to the survey results. please note this is a partial list of the changes that are most visible to patrons, and other updates and behind-the-scenes improvements will continue to roll out during the coming months.materials and equipment checkoutscameras, laptops, headphones, laptop and phone chargers, cables and other devices available for borrowing: many survey comments indicated a lack of awareness among patrons that this equipment is available to borrow from the service desk, so the library will increase promotion of these items. users can review a list of available equipment on the website and can also request additional equipment for the library to purchase.self-service holds pickup for circulating books: starting in january 2024, patrons will be able to pick up their own holds from a designated area near the woodruff library service desk and check them out using the self-checkout machines.universal returns: materials checked out from one of the emory libraries can now be returned to any of its other book display areas with comfortable furniture in the woodruff library on level 2 near the spiral staircase: these include “doughnut” shaped shelving that features new books, graphic novels and mini-exhibits curated by students as well as serpentine shelving that houses the mcnaughton collection of popular reading with novels, cookbooks and other leisure selections available for checkout. the development of content for these shelves and their arrangement particularly the rotating displays and graphic novels came partly in response to survey results over the years asking to better highlight the library’s print collections in various genres. longer checkout times for the mcnaughton collection: the requested increase in checkout time has been implemented from 14 to 28 days to align with the undergraduate loan period.printing and study roomsnew eagleprint software makes it easier to print from wherever you are to the nearest printer (this will require a download of the new software, but easy instructions can be found in this blog post).room reservation process at the woodruff library: individual rooms can be booked online now rather than picking up a proxy card.technologynew heya pod chairs have been installed in the hallway in front of the computing center at cox hall. the pod chairs provide a sense of privacy and a noise-dampening effect for individual study.computers have been upgraded to more powerful m2 mac minis and new apple displays (medialab). woodruff health sciences center (whsc) librarya new study space will open on the first floor, with new furniture expected to be installed in december.a microwave oven has been added to the public vending area.the flatbed scanner has been replaced.two 3-d printers were installed earlier this year.two large monitors have been installed in room b58 to plug into personal laptops, with plans to add more. laptops, headphones and other equipment available for checkout continues to be replaced as needed.whsc library has provided additional details on their response to user survey results in a separate blog post. oxford, rose and goizueta business librariesaccording to survey results, users are unaware of the many services and resources these libraries offer, so staff at these locations are concentrating on improving messaging around these benefits. in addition, oxford has added new projectors that are available for checkout.for more updates and news, please check the emory libraries website and individual libraries’ websites linked from the main site throughout the year.