四十四名命名教授被授予诺维尔。8在2023年在埃默里会议中心酒店举行的教职庆祝活动中。该活动庆祝了获奖者及其对促进奖学金和研究的坚定承诺,同时又丰富了学生的体验。一个多样化,熟练的同龄人和学生社区;协作关系;吸引和培养专家教师的能力;慈善事业的重要性。庆祝活动以几位教职员工的视频开幕,讨论了该机构的优势,其研究的全球影响力以及慈善支持的影响。那些说话是m。daniele fallin,james w。公共卫生的curran dean;加雷斯·詹姆斯,约翰·h。goizueta商学院的harland dean;anant madabhushi,robert w。伍德拉夫生物医学工程学教授兼艾米丽(emory)卫生研究所(emory enalcathic ai)的执行董事;winship杰出的环境科学研究教授eri saikawa;和弗雷德·史密斯(fred smith jr。),查尔斯·霍华德·坎德勒(charles howard candler)法学教授。fenves,学术事务教务长兼执行副总裁ravi诉bellamkonda和cynthia m。sanborn 87c,董事会成员兼董事会主管薪酬主席和受托人的利益冲突委员会,回应了视频中的声音。“这些命名的教职员工中的每一个都在在我们的整个社区中在我们的社区中有所作为在亚特兰大和全球范围内,”芬夫斯说。“他们正在取得突破,使人类提升,加深理解并为我们时代最大的挑战提供解决方案。贝拉姆科达(bellamkonda)指出,命名和捐赠教授对大学及其学生的声望和影响力。“任命教授职位是我们可以授予教职员工的最高学术奖项,”他说。“命名和赋予教师意味着学生可以向世界上最有才华的学者学习,我们每年都能不断吸引最聪明的学生。” sanborn谈到了捐助者的长期影响。她说:“至关重要的是,他们使大学能够召集最聪明的思想,以专注于世界上最紧迫的问题,并对渴望学习和创新的学生产生影响。”“赋予椅子的椅子推进了学校,部门和学术或临床兴趣的领域,同时尊重任命的持有人,并向建立它的捐赠者致敬。捐助者的支持,我不确定我能说出它对我们的重要性,尤其是在我们的快速增长中。它使我们能够招募最令人难以置信的教师,他们正在做真正有影响力的事情,然后拥有真正出去改变的资源。”穆罕默德k。阿里|威廉·h。全球healthantonio e的敌人杰出教授e。阿隆索|阿奎那神学和文化助理教授k。bhasin |donna和marvin schwartz musicmariana candido副教授|winship杰出的历史研究教授e。克劳福德|massee-martin neh艺术历史教授dai |asa griggs candler chemistrictryneal w。小迪克特|托马斯r。williams medicine francesco evangelista教授|winship杰出的化学研究教授。daniele fallin |詹姆斯·w。public healthron j的curran dean。费尔德曼|rgb皮肤病学教授汉普顿|samuel candler dobbs心理学教授hu |asa griggs candler护理数据sciencesusan e。hylen |阿尔玛h。shatford new testamenttonja jacobi教授|sam nunn道德与专业人士主席jagsi |劳伦斯戴维斯,医学博士辐射肿瘤学主席。詹姆斯|约翰·h。goizueta商业schooljoshua jeong的harland dean |罗林斯杰出的全球健康助理助理教授m。柠檬|修订版。博士小唐纳德·艾伦·哈普(donald allen harp)杰出的圣经研究副教授b。lesinski |约翰·考夫曼(john kauffman)家庭教授胰腺癌研究stevenven liang |医学学院计划董事统治k。洛根|马库斯小儿传染病疾病的教授|罗伯特·w。伍德拉夫生物医学工程教授。马丁|博士詹姆斯·埃德加·帕林(james edgar paullin)杰出教授c。模式|leach/hendee妇产科和obstricsdouglas mulford主席|nat c。罗伯逊科学教授教授nduom |丹尼尔·路易斯·巴罗(daniel louis barrow)赋予了主持人尼门曼(keaedilya nemenman)|塞缪尔·坎德勒·多布斯(samuel candler dobbs)物理学和生物学教授ofotokun |医学院grady教授higdon operario |grace crum rollins disti。
forty-four named professors were honored nov. 8 during the 2023 celebration of faculty eminence at the emory conference center hotel. the event celebrated the honorees and their steadfast commitment to advancing scholarship and research while enriching the student experience.during the ceremony, speakers highlighted the fundamental aspects of faculty eminence, including the freedom to conduct interdisciplinary research; a diverse and skilled community of peers and students; collaborative relationships; the ability to attract and nurture expert faculty; and the significance of philanthropy.the celebration opened with a video featuring several faculty members discussing the strengths of the institution, global reach of their research and the impact of philanthropic support. those speaking were m. daniele fallin, james w. curran dean of public health; gareth james, john h. harland dean of goizueta business school; anant madabhushi, robert w. woodruff professor of biomedical engineering and executive director of the emory empathetic ai for health institute; eri saikawa, winship distinguished research professor of environmental sciences; and fred smith jr., charles howard candler professor of law.president gregory l. fenves, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs ravi v. bellamkonda and cynthia m. sanborn 87c, board of trustees member and chair of the board’s executive compensation and trustees’ conflict of interest committee, echoed the voices in the video.“each of these named faculty members are making a difference in classrooms and research laboratories, throughout our communities here in atlanta and on a global scale,” said fenves. “they are making breakthroughs that uplift humanity, deepen understanding and produce solutions to the greatest challenges of our time. that is the transformative power of our faculty.”bellamkonda noted the prestige and influence named and endowed professors have on the university and its students.“named professorships are the highest academic award that we can bestow on a faculty member,” he said. “having named and endowed faculty means students get to learn from the most talented scholars in the world and that we get to continuously attract the brightest students each year.”sanborn spoke to the long-lasting impact of donors.“the role of donors is critical they enable the university to convene the brightest minds to focus on the world’s most pressing issues and to make an impact on students who are eager to learn and innovate themselves,” she said. “endowed chairs advance a school, department and areas of academic or clinical interest, while honoring the named holder of the appointment and acting as an enduring tribute to the donor who establishes it.”it’s a sentiment fallin echoed in the opening video.“having donor support, i’m not sure i can put into words how important it has been to us, especially in our rapid growth. it has allowed us to recruit the most incredible faculty who are doing really impactful things and who have then the resources to really go out and make change.” mohammed k. ali | william h. foege distinguished professor in global healthantonio e. alonso | aquinas assistant professor of theology and culturepaul k. bhasin | donna and marvin schwartz associate teaching professor of musicmariana candido | winship distinguished research professor of historychristina e. crawford | massee-martin neh professor of art historymingji dai | asa griggs candler professor of chemistryneal w. dickert jr. | thomas r. williams professor in medicinefrancesco evangelista | winship distinguished research professor of chemistrym. daniele fallin | james w. curran dean of public healthron j. feldman | rgb dermatology professorshiprobert hampton | samuel candler dobbs professor of psychologyxiao hu | asa griggs candler professor of nursing data sciencesusan e. hylen | almar h. shatford professor of new testamenttonja jacobi | sam nunn chair in ethics and professionalismreshma jagsi | lawrence w. davis, md chair in radiation oncologygareth m. james | john h. harland dean of goizueta business schooljoshua jeong | rollins distinguished assistant professor of global healthjoel m. lemon | the rev. dr. donald allen harp, jr. distinguished associate professor of biblical studiesgregory b. lesinski | john kauffman family professorship for pancreatic cancer researchsteven liang | school of medicine program directorshiplatania k. logan | marcus professor in pediatric infectious diseasesanant madabhushi | robert w. woodruff professor of biomedical engineeringgreg s. martin | dr. james edgar paullin distinguished professorsusan c. modesitt | leach/hendee chair of gynecology and obstetricsdouglas mulford | nat c. robertson teaching professor of science and societyedjah k. nduom | daniel louis barrow endowed chairilya nemenman | samuel candler dobbs professor of physics and biologyighovwerha ofotokun | school of medicine grady professorshipdon operario | grace crum rollins distinguished professor of behavioral, social and health education sciencesdevaka premawardhana | winship distinguished research associate professor of religioncassandra l. quave | thomas j. lawley, md professor of dermatologynadine rouphael | sumner e. thompson, iii vaccinology professorship in infectious diseasesmaria citarella russell | wadley r. glenn chair of surgery for academic programslars ruthotto | winship distinguished research associate professor of mathematicseri saikawa | winship distinguished research professor of environmental sciencesphilip j. santangelo | john and jan portman professorship in biomedical engineeringignacio sanz | david c. lowance, md chair for human immunologypamela scully | samuel candler dobbs professor of womens, gender, and sexuality studies and african studiesfred smith jr. | charles howard candler professor of lawdevin stewart | samuel candler dobbs professor of middle eastern and south asian studiesdianne marie stewart | samuel candler dobbs professor of religion and african american studiesbeth ann swan | charles f. and peggy evans endowed distinguished professor in simulation and innovationli xiong | samuel candler dobbs professor of computer sciencevivian zhanwei yue | samuel candler dobbs professor of economicsskip carouselpreviousnextphotos by jenni girtman, atlanta event photography.