埃默里大学教职委员会正在征求提名,直到12月星期日。10,对于约翰·f。摩根sr。2024年的杰出教师讲师。这次讲座认可了杰出的埃默里教职员工的成就,并为这些人提供了一个机会,可以提出其工作的主要主题,这些主题对埃默里和更大的亚特兰大社区具有知识分子。邀请了大学社区所有单位和部门的教职员工邀请提名。过去接收者的委员会将审查提名,并向格雷戈里总统提名人。正式邀请的fenves.nominees应该体现最高的学术理想,并参与重要兴趣的奖学金。他们还应该有效地将自己的想法传达给学术界。选定的教职员工将被邀请提出一场具有广泛吸引力并展示典范的学术工作的讲座。提名人应包括提名人的成就和能力将其作品传达给许多不同学科的听众的能力。另外,必须提供提名人的课程。1996年:道格·华莱士(doug wallace)(遗传学)1997:詹姆斯·古斯塔夫森(伦理)1998:丹·卡特(历史)1999年:杰奎琳·乔丹·欧文(教育)(教育)2000年:雷纳尔多·马托雷尔(reynaldo martorell)(公共卫生)2001年:约翰·维特(john witte):约翰·维特(john witte)(法律)2002年:)2003年:克莱尔·斯特克(claire sterk)(公共卫生)2004年:布鲁克斯·霍利菲尔德(brooks holifield)(神学)2005年:弗兰克·亚历山大(frank alexander)(法律)2006年:丹尼斯·利奥塔(dennis liotta)(化学)2007:jagdish sheth(商业)2008:elaine walker(心理学)2009年:2009年:abdullahi ahmed ahmed an- an-- an- an- an-an-an- an-an- an-an- an-an- an-an- an-an- an-na'im(law)2010:natasha trethewey(创意写作)2011:ora strickland(护理)2012:harvey klehr(政治学)2013年:steve warren(医学)2014年:helen s。梅伯格(医学)2015年:弗朗斯·德·瓦尔(frans de waal)(心理学)2016:布鲁斯·莱文(bruce levin)(生物学)2017:拉菲·艾哈迈德(rafi ahmed)(医学)(医学)2018:卡罗尔·安德森(carol anderson)(非裔美国研究)2019:梅尔文·j。konner(人类学和行为生物学)2020:最大d。库珀(病理与实验室医学)2021:南希j。纽曼(眼科)2021:valériebiousse(眼科)2023:colleen mcbride(公共卫生)。
the emory university faculty council is soliciting nominations through sunday, dec. 10, for the john f. morgan sr. distinguished faculty lecturer for 2024.this lectureship recognizes the achievements of distinguished emory faculty members and provides an opportunity for these individuals to present major themes of their work that are of intellectual interest to the emory and greater atlanta communities. nominations are invited from faculty members of all units and departments of the university community. a committee of past recipients will review the nominations and will recommend a nominee to president gregory l. fenves for formal invitation.nominees should embody the highest academic ideals and be engaged in scholarship of significant interest. they also should be effective at communicating their ideas to the academic community. the faculty member selected will be invited to present a lecture that has broad appeal and that displays exemplary scholarly work.letters of nomination should include a statement of the nominee’s accomplishments and ability to convey their work to an audience from many different disciplines. in addition, the curriculum vitae of the nominee must be provided. 1996: doug wallace (genetics)1997: james gustafson (ethics)1998: dan carter (history)1999: jacqueline jordan irvine (education)2000: reynaldo martorell (public health)2001: john witte (law)2002: don saliers (theology)2003: claire sterk (public health)2004: brooks holifield (theology)2005: frank alexander (law)2006: dennis liotta (chemistry)2007: jagdish sheth (business)2008: elaine walker (psychology)2009: abdullahi ahmed an-na’im (law)2010: natasha trethewey (creative writing)2011: ora strickland (nursing)2012: harvey klehr (political science)2013: steve warren (medicine)2014: helen s. mayberg (medicine)2015: frans de waal (psychology)2016: bruce levin (biology)2017: rafi ahmed (medicine)2018: carol anderson (african american studies)2019: melvin j. konner (anthropology and behavioral biology)2020: max d. cooper (pathology & laboratory medicine)2021: nancy j. newman (ophthalmology)2021: valérie biousse (ophthalmology)2023: colleen mcbride (public health).
本文来源:提名开放于2024年约翰·摩根(John F. Morgan Sr.)