埃默里大学医学院神经外科系将于2023年11月30日至12月2日举办年度颅底手术课程。预计的参与者包括来自美国各地的医疗保健提供者和国际参与者。由颅底耳鼻喉科医生和神经外科医生进行的这项为期三天的动手讲习班将探索传统的颅骨基础微疗法技术的理论基础,讨论了先进的内窥镜内窥镜技术,并引入了机器人辅助的外观启发性和高级神经镜的概念。解决并发症的避免和管理。bioskills研讨会会议将使用保留和注入的尸体标本在动手实验室中模拟程序。该研讨会是为神经外科手术和耳鼻喉科医疗提供者设计的,包括居民,居民,工作人员,出勤和神经外科团队成员,包括护士从业人员和医师助理。详细信息:who:埃默里大学医学院神经外科手术系:11月30日(星期四,ga 30303。
the emory university school of medicine’s department of neurosurgery is set to host its annual cranial base surgery course from november 30 to december 2, 2023. anticipated participants include health care providers from across the united states and international attendees. conducted by skull base otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons, this three-day, hands-on workshop will explore the theoretical basis of traditional skull base microsurgical techniques, discuss advanced endoscopic techniques, introduce the concept of robotic-assisted exoscopic visualization and advanced neuro-imaging planning and address complication avoidance and management. bioskills workshop sessions will simulate procedures in a hands-on laboratory setting using preserved and injected cadaveric specimens.the workshop is designed for neurosurgery and otolaryngology medical providers at various stages of their careers including residents, fellows, attendings and neurosurgery team members, as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants.details: who: emory university school of medicine, department of neurosurgerywhen: thursday, november 30, through saturday, december 2, 2023where: emory university school of medicine faculty office building, 49 jesse hill jr drive se, atlanta, ga 30303 .