在11月星期二。28,国家劳资关系委员会对上个月大选中的投票进行了计算,以确定埃默里博士学位学生是否会由工人联合南部地区联合委员会代表服务员工国际工会(seiu)。在选票的统计之后,国家劳资关系委员会宣布,总投票有利于工会化,有909票赞成,反对73票。大约60%的合格博士学位学生投票。一旦nlrb证明了选举结果,工人联合赛和埃默里将开始集体谈判过程。兰尼研究生院的博士学位学生联合faqs网页将更新以反映周二下午的选举结果,provost raviv。bellamkondav。bellamkondav。bellamkondav。bellamkondav。bellamkondav。bellamkonda向埃默里(emory)博士学生发出了有关选举结果的信息:亲爱的埃默里(emory phd)学生,今天早些时候,国家劳资关系委员会计算了最近选举中的选票,以决定是否合格的埃默里(emory phd)学生会由工人联合南部地区代表联合委员会,服务雇员国际联盟(seiu)。基于今天的罪名,大多数在选举中投票的学生都投票赞成工人联合seiu的代表,共有909票赞成工会和73票。反对。大约有60%的合格博士学位学生投票。据您所知,选举的结果会影响议价单位的所有emory phd学生,无论特定学生是否投票或如何投票。一旦nlrb认证选举结果,工人联合赛和埃默里将开始集体谈判过程。我要感谢所有参与此过程以表达自己声音的人。埃默里(emory)尊重投票的结果,我们致力于与联盟真诚谈判,因为您的代表与我们的使命,愿景和价值观一致。我们将永远致力于提供高质量的教育和以学生为中心支持您成功的经验。我们认识到您可能还有其他问题。laney将在适当的情况下使用有关谈判的信息更新其常见问题网页,并鼓励您继续学习工人联合赛欧,并确保在谈判过程中听到和代表您的声音。与往常一样。
on tuesday, nov. 28, the national labor relations board counted the votes cast in last month’s election to determine whether emory phd students would be represented by the workers united southern regional joint board, service employees international union (seiu). following the tally of ballots, the national labor relations board announced that the overall vote was in favor of unionization, with 909 votes in favor and 73 against. approximately 60% of eligible phd students voted. once the nlrb certifies the election results, workers united-seiu and emory will begin the collective bargaining process.the laney graduate school’s phd student unionization faqs webpage will be updated to reflect the outcomes of the election.on tuesday afternoon, provost ravi v. bellamkonda sent the following message to emory phd students regarding the election results: dear emory phd students,earlier today, the national labor relations board counted the ballots cast in the recent election to decide whether eligible emory phd students would be represented by the workers united southern regional joint board, service employees international union (seiu).based on today’s count, a majority of students who cast ballots in the election voted in favor of representation by workers united-seiu, with a total of 909 ballots cast in favor of unionization and 73 against. approximately 60% of eligible phd students voted.as you know, the outcome of the election affects all emory phd students in the bargaining unit regardless of whether or how a particular student voted. once the nlrb certifies the election results, workers united-seiu and emory will begin the collective bargaining process. i would like to thank all of you who engaged in this process for making your voices heard. emory respects the outcome of the vote, and we are committed to bargaining in good faith with the union as your representative consistent with our mission, vision and values.we are and always will be committed to providing a top-quality education and student-centered experience that supports your success.we recognize that you may have additional questions. laney will update its faqs webpage with information about bargaining as appropriate, and we encourage you to continue learning about workers united-seiu and making sure your voices are heard and represented by them during the bargaining process. as always you may reach out to your faculty advisor or director of graduate studies on academic matters.i wish you all a healthy and successful conclusion to the fall semester.ravi v. bellamkonda provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.