- getty imagesatlanta - 十分之一的格鲁吉亚人知道有人在怀孕,分娩或出生后不久就去世了,一半以上(57%)经历过或认识某人在怀孕期间发生并发症的人。今天,作为应对佐治亚州孕产妇健康危机的首届研讨会的一部分。数据来自首个全州范围内的调查,该调查引起了乔治亚人对州面临的孕产妇健康危机的看法,与妊娠有关死亡是美国最糟糕的情况之一,黑人妇女死于与怀孕有关的并发症的可能性是白人妇女的三倍。由research!america委托与埃默里大学(emory university)的伍德拉夫健康科学中心合作,并与多个州机构的研究人员和利益相关者合作开发,这些发现重点介绍了围绕健康公平,心理健康,获得护理以及对州和州和国家和渴望的国家和渴望的主题联邦对研究和行动的支持。具体而言,调查发现:物质使用障碍(47%),缺乏保险(47%)和心理健康(41%)排名为最高因素,认为造成孕产妇死亡的风险增加。生活在农村地区的人是更有可能(65%)在怀孕期间经历并发症或认识与城市地区人(56%)相比的人。格鲁吉亚人说,提高母体卫生保健(73%)和获得健康保险的可负担性是最高的降低孕产妇死亡率的优先事项(70%)。百分之二的乔治亚州人说,对于佐治亚州而言,增加对降低孕产妇死亡和支持的倡议的投资至关重医疗保健系统至少根据他们是否拥有健康保险(79%),有多少钱(65%),种族或种族背景(61%)以及他们说英语的方式,至少经常对人们进行不公平的对待。%)。超过一半的格鲁吉亚人(54%)表示,即使有保险,医疗保健也太昂贵了。29%的人说他们没有保险,而28%的人由于缺乏可用的初始和后续约会时间而面临约会的困难。超过三分之一的受访者说种族主义是主要障碍(36%)人们取得平等的健康成果。非洲裔美国人更有可能(49%)说这是一个主要的障碍。百分之七的乔治亚州人说,进行研究以打击健康差异很重要。尽管引起了重大关注(70%),乔治亚人对此充满希望,对孕产妇的健康(74%)。“我们在佐治亚州对成年人的调查中看到的对孕产妇死亡率的毁灭性水平的高水平的认识和关注无非是采取行动。尽管如此,令人振奋的是,格鲁吉亚人对扭转令人沮丧的趋势的行动有很大的支持,包括更多的服务协调,并支持更多的研究和基于社区的干预措施。”“我们很自豪能够与这项重要的努力合作,以更好地了解佐治亚州的公众舆论,这可以导致对这一紧迫的公共卫生危机采用基于证据的解决方案。”调查结果将于11月29日在研讨会期间分享,以解决佐治亚州的孕产妇健康危机 - 由埃默里大学,默瑟大学医学院莫尔豪斯医学院主持,研究!美国 - 将利益相关者汇集到医疗保健,州和联邦政府,社区伙伴和倡导团体中,以确定改善佐治亚州孕产妇和新生儿健康的机会。乔治亚人的听力是亲自经历这些挑战的人,这使我们了解了潜在的解决方案,这些解决方案将在整个州产生真正的影响。” ravi i说。埃默里大学卫生事务执行副总裁thadhani,医学博士,md,mph。“这就是为什么我们感谢这次研讨会提供的机会与这些其他优秀的机构在一起,并为建立可衡量进度的途径而融为一体的机会。我们不能作为单个机构做到这一点;在线调查是由zogby analytics代表research!america于2023年10月进行的,在佐治亚州的803名成年人中,还有606名成年人对少数民族过分采样。该调查的理论采样误差为+/- 3.5个百分点。
— getty imagesatlanta – one in 10 georgians know of someone who has died during pregnancy, at delivery, or soon after birth, and more than half (57%) have experienced or know someone who has experienced complications during pregnancy, according to data being presented today as part of the inaugural symposium to address the maternal health crisis in georgia.the data is from a first-of-its-kind statewide survey that captured georgians’ views of the maternal health crisis facing the state, where the rates of pregnancy related deaths are among the worst in the nation and where black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women. commissioned by research!america in partnership with the woodruff health sciences center at emory university, and developed in collaboration with researchers and stakeholders across multiple state institutions, the findings highlight themes around health equity, mental health, access to care, and eagerness for state and federal support for research and action. specifically, the survey found:substance use disorders (47%), lack of insurance (47%), and mental health (41%) rank as top factors perceived to contribute to an increased risk of maternal mortality.people living in rural areas are more likely (65%) to have experienced complications during pregnancy or to know someone who has compared to people in urban areas (56%).georgians say that improving affordability of maternal health care (73%) and access to health insurance coverage are top priorities (70%) to reducing maternal mortality.eighty-two percent of georgians say it is important for the state of georgia to increase investment in initiatives to reduce maternal mortality and support including maternal mortality as a state budget item.many georgians think that our health care system treats people unfairly at least somewhat often based on whether they have health insurance (79%), how much money they have (65%), their racial or ethnic background (61%), and how well they speak english (61%).more than half of georgians (54%) say the top barrier is that health care is too expensive, even with insurance. twenty-nine percent say they do not have insurance, while 28% face difficulties making appointments due to a lack of available initial and follow-up appointment times.more than a third of respondents say that racism is a major obstacle (36%) to people achieving equal health outcomes. african americans are more likely (49%) to say it is a major obstacle.eighty-seven percent of georgians say it is important to conduct research to combat health disparities.despite significant concern (70%), georgians are hopeful about the future of maternal health (74%).“the high level of awareness and concern about the devastating level of maternal mortality we see in this survey of adults in the state of georgia represents nothing short of a call to action. it is nonetheless heartening to see georgians’ strong support for action to reverse the discouraging trends, including more coordination of services, and support for more research and for community-based interventions,” says mary woolley, president of research!america. “we are proud to partner in this important effort to better understand public opinion in georgia, which can lead to the adoption of evidence-based solutions to this pressing public health crisis.” the survey results are being shared on november 29 during the symposium to address the maternal health crisis in georgia – hosted by emory university, morehouse school of medicine, mercer university school of medicine, and research! america – which brings together stakeholders across health care, state and federal governments, community partners, and advocacy groups to identify opportunities to improve maternal and newborn health in georgia.“this survey puts a public health perspective on the challenges posed by the maternal health crisis. hearing from georgians who are personally experiencing these challenges gives us a window into potential solutions that will make a real difference across the state,” says ravi i. thadhani, md, mph, executive vice president for health affairs at emory university. “that is why we are thankful for the opportunity this symposium provides to come together with these other fine institutions and to partner on creating a path toward measurable progress. we can’t do that as single institutions; we have to do it collaboratively and by speaking with one voice.”the online survey was conducted by zogby analytics on behalf of research!america in october 2023, among 803 adults in georgia plus 606 additional adults for minority oversampling. the survey has a theoretical sampling error of +/- 3.5 percentage points.