

(7 fun things to do at Emory in November )


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11月,将大量的运动,文化和社区活动带给埃默里,包括女子和男子篮球队的主场揭幕战。 - 凯·欣顿(kay hinton),埃默里(emory)的照片/视频,随着叶子开始从校园周围的树木开始掉下来,花时间介绍了埃默里(emory)周围的一些惊人事件。校园拥有大量的运动,文化和社区活动,可以在本月享受。1.为老鹰队加油并获得埃默里(emory)赃物。今年11月,有很多机会前往伍德拉夫体育中心竞技场(woodruff pe center arena)在11月星期五为老鹰队欢呼。3,下午6点,排名前10的埃默里排球队将庆祝高级之夜并参加罗兹学院。比赛开始前,请加入亚特兰大披萨卡车的后挡板,并为前100名学生提供免费的披萨,并在比赛中为前100名学生提供gameday t恤。28岁,下午6点,在家庭揭幕战对阵oglethorpe university的女子和男子篮球队中为您加油。成为门中最初的100名学生之一,以获得埃默里鹰运动衫和chick-fil-a三明治2。庆祝西藏周和同情心中心成立25周年。在过去的25年中,埃默里同情心中心致力于通过基于研究的方法来教育心灵。今年,银禧庆祝活动将与该中心对西藏周的认可相吻合,该中心认可了埃默里大学和drepung loseling修道院之间的开创性伙伴关系。从11月开始参加庆祝活动。6-11用于各种迷人的事件。有些事件需要提前注册,因此请务必在线检查3。访问本赛季的最终农贸市场。在本赛季的最后两个埃默里农贸市场上,用本地可持续商品储存您的食品储藏室!11月星期二前往麦克唐纳广场。7,十一月星期二。14,上午11点至下午2点从出售烘焙食品,咖啡,果酱,可丽饼,蜂蜜和许多其他美味佳肴的各种供应商购物4。在第15届年度退伍军人节仪式上荣誉退伍军人。上午10点,上午11点,以纪念那些在我们国家武装部队中服役的人。埃默里(emory)卫生事务执行副总裁fenves和ravi thadhani。伯克少将w将发表主题演讲。惠特曼,美国海军陆战队,退休5。在牛津和亚特兰大校园里享受现场表演。加入亚特兰大的埃默里室内音乐协会,在11月星期六的个人演出中介绍驻军基洛尔(garrison keillor)在驻军中庆祝的夜晚和歌曲。11,晚上8点在施瓦茨表演艺术中心的艾默生音乐厅。基洛(keillor)将他作为小说家,专栏作家和广播节目主持人的经验带入了表演。在牛津校园中,享受牛津灵魂集体音乐会,由牛津学院音乐系副教授马文·麦克尼尔(marvin mcneill)执导。音乐会将于11月星期四举行。16,晚上7:30在威廉姆斯大厅礼堂6。申请或续签您的护照。计划即将出国旅行?需要新的护照以进行文档目的吗?埃默里(emory)的教职员工和学生可以在11月星期四获得或续签护照。16,上午10点至下午2点在emory卡办公室。本月晚些时候,牛津大学,教职员工和学生将有机会在11月星期四申请或续签护照。30,上午11点至下午2点在phi gamma hall中,此机会是由亚特兰大全球合作伙伴关系(agp)赞助的,这是通过emory的全球战略和计划办公室的计划。在佐治亚州立大学护照服务的支持下,agp为埃默里社区提供了一站式商店,可以使用passports.7。用自制的蜡烛点燃您的秋天。看起来在月底过渡到冬季气味过渡的方法吗?11月,星期一,加入蜡烛制作冬季研讨会。27,下午5点此活动向所有学生,教职员工开放。
november brings plenty of athletic, cultural and community activities to emory, including the home opener games for the women’s and men’s basketball teams. — kay hinton, emory photo/video as the leaves begin to drop from trees around campus, make time to drop into some amazing events around emory. campus boasts plenty of athletic, cultural and community activities to enjoy this month. 1. cheer on the eagles and get emory swag.there are plenty of opportunities this november to head to the woodruff pe center arena to cheer on the eagles!on friday, nov. 3, at 6 p.m., the top-10-ranked emory volleyball team will celebrate senior night and take on rhodes college. before the game, join the tailgate at the atlanta pizza truck with free pizza for the first 100 students, along with gameday t-shirts for the first 100 students in the match.on tuesday, nov. 28, at 6 p.m., cheer on your women’s and men’s basketball teams at the home opener against oglethorpe university. be one of the first 100 students in the doors to receive an emory eagles sweatshirt and chick-fil-a sandwiches.2. celebrate tibet week and the compassion center’s 25th anniversary.for the past 25 years, the emory compassion center has focused on educating hearts and minds through a research-based approach. this year, the silver jubilee celebration will coincide with the center’s recognition of tibet week, which recognizes the groundbreaking partnership between emory university and drepung loseling monastery. join the festivities from nov. 6-11 for a variety of captivating events. some events require advance registration, so be sure to check online.3. visit the final farmers market of the season.stock up your pantry with local, sustainable goods at the last two emory farmers markets of the season! head to mcdonough plaza on tuesday, nov. 7, and tuesday, nov. 14, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. to shop from a variety of vendors who sell baked goods, coffee, jams, crepes, honey and many other delicious options.4. honor veterans at the 15th annual veterans day ceremony.join campus leadership, peers and other members of the emory community for the veterans day ceremony, happening on the quadrangle on friday, nov. 10, at 11 a.m. to honor those who valiantly served in our nation’s armed forces.remarks will be given by president gregory l. fenves and ravi thadhani, executive vice president for health affairs at emory. a keynote speech will be delivered by major general burke w. whitman, united states marine corps, retired.5. enjoy live performances on the oxford and atlanta campuses.join the emory chamber music society of atlanta for a night of laughs and songs as they present garrison keillor in his solo show on saturday, nov. 11, at 8 p.m. in the emerson concert hall of the schwartz center for performing arts. keillor brings his varied experience as a novelist, columnist and radio show host to the performance.on the oxford campus, enjoy the oxford soul collective concert directed by marvin mcneill, an associate professor in the music department at oxford college. the concert will be held thursday, nov. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the williams hall auditorium.6. apply for or renew your passport.plan to travel abroad soon? need a new passport for documentation purposes? emory faculty, staff and students can obtain or renew their passports on thursday, nov. 16, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the emory card office. later in the month, the oxford faculty, staff and students will have the opportunity to apply for or renew their passports on thursday, nov. 30, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in phi gamma hall.this opportunity is sponsored by atlanta global partnerships (agp), a program through emory’s office of global strategy and initiatives. with support from georgia state university’s passport services, agp is providing a one-stop shop for the emory community to access passports.7. light up your fall with a homemade candle.looking for a way to transition from fall to winter scents at the end of the month? join the candle making winter workshop in the emory techlab on monday, nov. 27, at 5 p.m. this event is open to all students, faculty and staff.





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