埃默里社区将聚集在11月星期五。10,以纪念退伍军人及其贡献。该活动包括与埃默里退伍军人社区成员以及演讲嘉宾和沉默的旗帜仪式。 - 凯恩·辛顿(kay hinton),埃默里(emory)照片/视频2009年,埃默里(emory)退伍军人节仪式(emory veterans day)颁发了那些曾在美国制服服务中勇敢地服役的人,并在quad上举行了庄严的仪式。今年,第15届年度仪式将于11月星期五举行。上午10点,上午11点。所有教职员工,学生,校友和埃默里社区成员都被邀请参加。仪式的想法始于2008年。安德鲁·韦斯特(andrew west谁服务。一年后,在11月的毛毛雨中,校园领导人,西部和包括埃默里·罗特(emory rotc)学员在内的一小群人举行了持久的仪式。现在是埃默里退伍军人员工网络的联合主席,该组织旨在提高人们对知名度的可见性。埃默里(emory)的退伍军人并帮助他们与资源联系起来。1993年从埃默里艺术与科学学院毕业后,他曾在美国任职海军陆战队储备了20年。他强调了埃默里(emory)社区纪念退伍军人的重要性及其为保护美国人所做的牺牲。“我们永远不能认为我们拥有的东西是理所当然的,因为它可以被带走,”韦斯特说。“这需要愿意牺牲自己并保护我们免受那里的邪恶力量的男人和女人。这就是为什么我们每年都有这项活动很重要,并且我们有校友,学生,教职员工聚在一起。和军事背景。备注将由格里高利总统(gregory l)发表。埃默里大学卫生事务执行副总裁fenves和ravi thadhani。少校gen。伯克w。从美国海军陆战队退休的惠特曼将发表主题演讲。利亚姆·威尔基(liam wilkie)是埃默里学院(emory college)的高级学习哲学,政治和法律,将在仪式上加入仪式成员。威尔基(wilkie)说,他很荣幸能成为美国武装服务部门过去,现在和未来的仪式的一部分。您正在撰写下一章,因此您想让它成为那些要追随您的人的更好的地方。” wilkie说。“保持这种传统使您想起您是您之前的事物的一部分,并且会在您之后继续前进。但是,您也在写自己的章节。他的父亲,祖父和继祖父都在武装部队服役,而家族历史启发了他参加海军学院并在海军陆战队任职五年。担任埃默里退伍军人协会主席的福雷斯塔尔(forrestal)将主持今年的仪式。“退伍军人节是反思自己为国家服务的好时机,” forrestal说。“现在我是一名资深人士,但仍在海军陆战队储备中服役,它可以帮助我反思我对这个社区的贡献,我认为这也是其他人也可以从中获得的。”将在埃默里(emory)进行培训。目前,他在陆军国民警卫队的服务第七年,他还在研究成为陆军牧师。古尔托夫斯基(gurtowski)扮演着认真对待服务成员的精神支持的角色。“要处于牧师职位,这是非常特别的,”gurtowski。“我的工作不仅要服务,而且还要确保我们服务的人处于一个良好的精神场所,他们具有积极的心态,并且他们在自己的工作中找到了意义。在校园里,人们对社区中的服务成员有着深切的敬意,对埃默里(emory)认识了这位退伍军人社区这么多年。2001年开始担任军队的专业,是nell hodgson woodruff护理学院的家庭/急诊护士从业者计划的护理医生。今年,她将与威尔基,韦斯特和其他人一起参加仪式。斯特拉顿说,作为一名资深人士,她感到不可思议的所有埃默里(emory)都必须提供,而退伍军人日仪式就是证明。“我认为,埃默里(emory)如此包容并接受我们各种各样的拼布尤其是很荣幸美国,包括服务成员。
the emory community will gather friday, nov. 10, to honor veterans and their contributions. the event includes a flag ceremony with members of the emory veterans community, as well as a guest speaker and moment of silence. — kay hinton, emory photo/videosince 2009, the emory veterans day ceremony has honored those who have valiantly served in the united states uniformed services with a solemn ceremony on the quad. this year, the 15th annual ceremony will be held friday, nov. 10, at 11 a.m. all faculty, staff, students, alumni and emory community members are invited to attend.the idea for a ceremony began in 2008. andrew west was walking through campus around veterans day and realized that emory needed a ceremony to honor those who have served. a year later, on a drizzly november morning, campus leaders, west and a small group including the emory rotc cadets created an enduring ceremony.west now serves as co-chair of the emory veterans employee network, an organization aimed at increasing the visibility of emory’s veterans and helping connect them with resources. after graduating from emory college of arts and sciences in 1993, he served in the u.s. marine corps reserves for 20 years. he stresses the importance of the emory community honoring veterans and the sacrifices they make to protect americans.“we can’t ever take for granted what we have because it can be taken away,” says west. “it takes men and women who are willing to sacrifice themselves and protect us from the evil forces that are out there. that’s why it’s important that we have this event each year, and we have alumni, students, faculty and staff come together.”this year’s ceremony will feature a variety of campus and military representatives, along with involvement from emory students across a variety of disciplines and military backgrounds. remarks will be delivered by president gregory l. fenves and ravi thadhani, executive vice president for health affairs at emory university. maj. gen. burke w. whitman, who retired from the united states marine corps, will deliver the keynote speech. liam wilkie, a senior studying philosophy, politics and law in emory college, will join west at the ceremony as a member of the honor guard. as a marine corporal, wilkie says he is proud to be part of a ceremony that honors the past, present and future of the armed service branches in the united states.“you kind of want to treat it like a series of chained novels. you’re writing the next chapter, so you want to make it a better place for those who are going to come after you,” says wilkie. “keeping up that tradition reminds you that you’re part of something that was before you and something that will continue after you. but you’re also writing your own chapter.”patrick forrestal, a graduate student in goizueta business school’s mba program, knows the honor of contributing to a larger story. his father, grandfather and step-grandfather all served in the armed forces, and that familial history of service inspired him to attend the naval academy and serve in the marine corps for five years. forrestal, who serves as the president of the emory veterans association, will emcee this year’s ceremony. “veterans day is a good time to reflect on your own service to the country,” says forrestal. “now that i’m a veteran but still serving in the marine corps reserves, it helps me reflect on how i’m contributing to this community, and i think that’s what others can take from it too.”some participants in this year’s ceremony will get to put their training at emory to practice.will gurtowski, a master of divinity student in candler school of theology, will offer the invocation during the ceremony. currently in his seventh year of service with the army national guard, he is also studying to become an army chaplain.gurtowski takes the role of providing spiritual support to service members seriously.“to be in the chaplaincy position, it’s very special,” says gurtowski. “my job is not only to serve, but to also make sure that the people we serve are in a good spiritual place and they have a positive mentality, and they find meaning in what they do. it’s very fulfilling for me to be able to help people on their journeys.”on campus, there exists a deep reverence for service members in the community and a great appreciation to emory for recognizing the veteran community for so many years.bernice stratton, who began serving as a major in the army in 2001, is a doctor of nursing practice student in the family/emergency nurse practitioner program at nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing. this year, she will be in the honor guard at the ceremony along with wilkie, west and others. stratton says, as a veteran, she feels incredibly included in all emory has to offer, and that the veterans day ceremony is proof of that.“i think it’s particularly honorable for emory to be so inclusive and accepting of all the patchwork we have across the united states, and to include the service members and the military, and help us be represented,” says stratton. “for the last 15 years, emory has made the time and effort to recognize that many united states citizens have raised their right hand and taken an oath to defend the united states. it makes me very proud to be both an emory student and an armed services member, and to be able to represent both institutions.”.