renéebyfield和kaprice s。威尔士是参与研究培训计划的博士前学生中的两名。国家护理研究所已向埃默里大学(emory university)授予170万美元的赠款,内尔·霍奇森·伍德拉夫(nell hodgson woodruff)护理学院,用于使用数据科学的女性健康和分裂性研究培训的研究培训和健康信息技术。
renée byfield and kaprice s. welsh are two of the pre-doctoral students taking part in the research training program.the national institute of nursing research has awarded a $1.7 million grant to emory university nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing faculty for research training in womens health and intersectionality using data science and health information technology.chandler.