意大利共和国和埃默里大学的文化部今天宣布,他们已经达成了一项文化合作协议,其中包括向迈克尔c的五个物体归还给五个物体的部门。埃默里(emory)的卡洛斯博物馆(carlos museum),其中三个物体仍借给埃默里(emory)。该协议考虑了未来的文化对象贷款,以及可能的特殊展览和其他文化交流。博士该部秘书长马里奥·特雷塔(mario turetta)说:“我们对埃默里大学(emory university)与该部合作的行动感到非常满意。签署的《文化合作协议》将向与埃默里大学的新合作和交流开放。卡洛斯博物馆(carlos museum)副副教务长兼副主任金(kim)说:“我们与意大利的同事们以及在收集迈克尔·c(michael c collection collection of michael c)中对文化对象提出了良好的关系。我们在埃默里(emory)的卡洛斯博物馆(carlos museum),我们很高兴与该部合作,以达成积极的解决方案。根据埃默里(emory)的教育任务,这一成功将导致未来的生产项目。”有关卡洛斯博物馆出处研究的更多信息,请参见此处。有关恢复原状的更多信息,请参见此处。
the ministry of culture of the republic of italy and emory university today announced that they have reached an agreement for cultural cooperation which includes the restitution to the ministry of five objects in the collection of the michael c. carlos museum at emory, with three of the objects remaining on loan to emory. the agreement contemplates future loans of cultural objects as well as possible special exhibitions and other cultural exchanges. dr. mario turetta, secretary general of the ministry, says: “we are very pleased with the actions of emory university in working with the ministry. the cultural cooperation agreement signed will open to new ways of cooperation and exchanges with emory university.”henry s. kim, associate vice provost and director of the carlos museum, says: “we have enjoyed excellent relations with our colleagues in italy and when questions of restitutions were raised about cultural objects in the collection of the michael c. carlos museum at emory, we were pleased to collaborate with the ministry to arrive at a positive solution. this success will lead to future productive projects according to the education mission of emory.”more information about provenance research at the carlos museum can be found here. more information about the restitution of the five objects can be found here.