- 度假季节的盖蒂图像/drazen zigicas接近,许多人发现自己正在努力应对挑战的记忆或经历,这些记忆或经历可能引起激烈的情绪。emory brain health center心理学家sheila rauch和barbara rothbaum提供了宝贵的见解,以帮助人们在假期及以后的艰难经历。在研究中,这些策略旨在促进情感处理,韧性和增强的赋权感。个人可以装备自己面对艰难的情况,提高情绪健康,并在假期季节和即将到来的一年接近韧性。感受,分享,放手:艰难的经验需求认可和处理。而不是避免挑战性的回忆,而是花时间感觉到并分享这些情绪。无论是通过自我反省,日记还是倾诉可信赖的朋友,表达自己的感受都可以使您迈出第一步,朝着摆脱情感体重的第一步。复制和重新构架:反复重新审视困难的记忆可以导致观点的转变。挑战与经验相关的负面思想,并考虑替代解释。获得新的视角可以帮助您以新的视角查看该事件,从而降低情感强度并允许个人成长。这与反省的!避免不是解决方案:避免可能会提供暂时的缓解,但是从长远来看,情况通常会使情况变得更糟。接近引发不适的记忆,思想和情况。通过积极参与这些挑战,您可以为情感康复,接受和韧性创造机会。情感:害怕重新审视创伤事件会加剧情绪痛苦是很自然的。但是,让自己以安全和控制的方式处理这些情绪对于康复至关重要。区分过去和现在,认识到回忆事件不是复发,而是迈向理解和管理情绪的一步。创造您的叙事:将您的生活视为故事,每一个困难的经历都是一章。与其重复重新打开这本书只是为了匆忙关闭它,不如接近您的回忆,让自己感觉到这些记忆带来了什么。通过有条不紊地阅读章节/记忆,您可以对您成为今天的身份有了新的了解。如果需要,请寻求专家的帮助或资源,以指导您完成将挑战的记忆纳入人生故事,促进韧性和向前发展的过程。罗斯鲍姆(rothbaum)博士是埃默里大学医学院精神病学和行为科学系的教授,以及创新工作簿的合着者,“使艰难经验的含义:自我指导的计划”。他们的研究重点是创伤,压力和韧性,提供了对情感处理和康复的见解。rothbaum和rauch一起帮助领导emory healthcare退伍军人计划。
— getty images/drazen zigicas the holiday season approaches, many individuals find themselves grappling with challenging memories or experiences that may evoke intense emotions. emory brain health center psychologists, sheila rauch and barbara rothbaum, offer valuable insights to help people navigate difficult experiences during the holidays and beyond.grounded in research, these strategies aim to promote emotional processing, resilience and a heightened sense of empowerment. individuals can equip themselves to face tough situations, elevate emotional well-being and approach the holiday season and upcoming year with renewed resilience. feel it, share it, let it go: difficult experiences demand acknowledgment and processing. instead of avoiding challenging memories, take the time to feel and share those emotions. whether through self-reflection, journaling or confiding in a trusted friend, expressing your feelings allows you to take the first step toward letting go of the emotional weight.revisit and reframe: repeatedly revisiting a difficult memory can lead to a shift in perspective. challenge negative thoughts associated with the experience and consider alternative interpretations. gaining a new perspective can help you view the event in a new light, reducing the emotional intensity and allowing for personal growth. this is not the same as ruminating!avoidance is not the solution: avoidance may provide temporary relief, but it often makes things worse in the long-term. approach the memories, thoughts and situations that trigger discomfort. by actively engaging with these challenges, you create an opportunity for emotional healing, acceptance and resilience.approach emotion: it is natural to fear that revisiting a traumatic event intensifies the emotional pain. however, allowing yourself to approach these emotions in a safe and controlled manner is crucial for healing. differentiate between past and present, recognizing that recalling the event is not a recurrence but a step toward understanding and managing your emotions.create your narrative: think of your life as a story, with each difficult experience as a chapter. instead of repeatedly reopening the book only to hastily close it, approach your memories and let yourself feel what comes along with those memories. by reading through the chapters/memories methodically you can come to a new understanding of what makes you who you are today. if needed, seek expert help or resources to guide you through the process of integrating challenging memories into your life story, fostering resilience and moving forward.about the authors:sheila a.m. rauch, phd, and barbara o. rothbaum, phd, are professors in the emory university school of medicine’s department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and co-authors of the innovative workbook, "making meaning of difficult experiences: a self-guided program." their research focuses on trauma, stress and resilience, providing insights into emotional processing and healing. together, rothbaum and rauch, help lead the emory healthcare veterans program.